WAG 18-07-03-d: Quick Transfer-in Process

This process does not apply to intra-county transfers in Cook, Kane, Madison and St. Clair.

(New FCRC) To transfer a case without making any changes to social, Item 80, or Item 90 information, complete Form 552 as follows:

  • Item 1 -Enter new FCRC number and case ID.
  • Item 2 -Enter 4-digit effective month and year.
  • Item 3 -Enter TA 40.
  • Item 4 -Complete.
  • Item 5 -Complete.
  • Items 9 & 10 -Complete, when required.
  • text deleted
  • Item 33 -Enter TAR A8.
  • Enter Former ID - Category, Office, Group, and Basic Number.

No other changes are allowed.

NOTE: To issue SNAP benefits for a period covered by the old case number when a SNAP case was transferred to a new FCRC: the new office completes Form 552 with TA 56, TAR 09, the new case number, effective month and amount of the issuance and faxes it to the Exception Processing Unit (EPU) at 217-557-0474.