WAG 18-07-01: Central Address Change and Shelter Cost Unknown

PM 18-07-01

When an physical address is updated by Central Office, but changes in Revised Manual Materialshelter costs are unknown, the address is changed as follows:

Revised Manual Material

  1. (Central Unit) Changes address only using IES Reception Log (see the Address Changes From The Reception Log Desk Aid) or by initiating a change in Case Change Mode and navigating to the Household Address page in Data Collection under Individual Information and updating the address and the corresponding dates.
  2. (IES) Batch run completes the following:
    • Identifies cases whose Circumstance Start/Change Date (CS/CD) or Reported On dates on the Shelter Expense-Summary and Utility Standard -Summary pages are not the same or later than the CS/CD on the Household Address page.
    • Centrally generates and mails an IL444-5229 to identified cases.
  3. (FCRC) Updates the household's shelter costs pages, including their associated dates, if the household returns IL444-5229 or if the household later reports the expense via any other means (see PM 18-04-00). The dates for the Shelter Expenses - Summary and/or Utility Standard - Summary pages must also be updated if it is reported that shelter costs have remained the same.
  4. (FCRC) If the IL444-5229 is not returned, no further action is needed.  Review shelter costs at next Redetermination or Mid-Point Report, whichever comes first.