WAG 18-07-00
Change of Address
When a
Food Assistance household moves within Illinois, update the address in IES. If the address is served by another Family Community Resource Center (FCRC), transfer the case unless the client requests the case not be transferred or requests for another FCRC to service their case.
Note: When the client moves and the new address is located out of state, cancel benefits
Request for Case Transfer
Once an applicant is determined eligible for assistance, they have a right to request to have the case transferred to another FCRC unless they reside in a Long Term Care or Supportive Living Facility.
Upon receipt of the request the case should immediately be transferred to the appropriate FCRC.
The request for case transfer can be verbal or written and must be based on one of the following factors:
- the location of their employer;
- the location of their childcare provider;
- access to reliable transportation; or
- the location of the social service provider that they see on a regular basis.
Cases that share the same payee must be in the same office.
Reported Change of Address During the Certification Period
When a customer reports a change in address within Illinois, the shelter costs
(housing and utility costs) must be reviewed and updated to determine any change to the benefit amount.
If the shelter costs cannot be confirmed, a batch action which will identify the case and send an IL444-5229 for the customer to confirm or update their shelter costs. If the customer does not return the form, no further action is required. Potential changes can be updated at the next Redetermination or Mid-Point Report, whichever occurs first. If the household responds to the notice, update the housing and/or utility costs.
If the shelter costs remain the same at the new address, the date fields on the Shelter Expense - Summary page and/or the Utility Standard -Summary page must be updated to reflect the appropriate dates as provided by the customer.
Note: If the customer reported no change in shelter expenses at the same time as the address change, the dates on the Household Address page and the Shelter Expense -Summary and Utility Standard - Summary pages should match.