WAG 18-05-22: Change from Community Spenddown (Unmet) to LTC Spenddown (Unmet) Case

When a community spenddown (unmet) case enters a long term care facility and is changed to a long term care spenddown (unmet) case, complete Form 552:

  • Item 2 -Enter the current processing month and year (MM/YY).
  • Item 3 -Enter 31.
  • Item 20 -Delete the unit composition code. Enter the appropriate long term care facility code.
  • Item 33 -Enter 57.
  • Item 44 -See WAG 27-44-00.
  • Item 45 -See WAG 27-45-00.
  • Item 80 -Delete 390 SPD and 158 CI. Enter 391 SPDGC.