WAG 18-04-12-b: FS Only (08) Cases via ACM

Take the following action to delete a person from the FS unit via ACM.

  1. Enter the ACM Menu, select Option C as the desired action and enter the case number. The system displays all active members of the FS unit.
  2. Use the Deletion of Assistance Unit Screen to designate which person to delete. Enter an X by the person to be deleted. Select F4 to display more people in the case, if needed, or press ENTER to delete the person and to continue to Screen 3 (Social Information Screen).
  3. On the Social Information Screen, enter the new number of people in the assistance unit in Box 22 and Box 23 and press RETURN.
  4. Code Box 44 on the Additional Entry Screen. The cursor will automatically move to the address field. Enter a P in the process/cancel/suspend/resume question to process the case without calculations. Press RETURN.
  5. Enter a TAR in Box 33 on the Actions To Be Taken Screen. Press RETURN.
  6. Review data on the 2nd Party Review Screen. Complete the transaction by pressing SHIFT/F7.
  7. Review Summary of People Deleted Screen.