WAG 18-03-01-b: Client Fails to Provide Verifications

PM 18-03-01-b.

  1. Take action if the client fails to provide proof of nonfinancial eligibility factors.
    1. If the client fails to provide proof of nonfinancial eligibility factors within 30 days of the date of request, code Item 78 of Form 552 with a 3 for the newborn.
    2. When the newborn reaches age one, delete them or cancel the case for the following fiscal month, as appropriate, unless it is within 12 months of the Last Medicaid Determination Date (see WAG 18-05-01-b).
  2. Take action if the client fails to provide proof of financial eligibility factors.
    1. If the client fails to provide proof of income/assets within 30 days of the date of request for a newborn, enter 3 in Item 78 of Form 552 for the newborn. If the newborn has no siblings in the case, leave the case as cash.
    2. If the newborn has siblings in the case, SWAP the case to Assist (see WAG 18-02-02).