PM 18-02-01
When an AABD Medical or FamilyCare Assist customer requests Cash benefits, they must cooperate in the child support enforcement process (see WAG 24-02-00).
For TANF Cash cases which contain an adult, an assessment must be completed and the customer must cooperate in developing and signing a Responsibility and Services Plan.
- (FCRC) Give the following forms to a Medical Only customer who requests Cash benefits.
- Request For Financial Assistance (Form 2905). Tell the customer to complete, sign, and return the form.
- Answers to TANF Questions (Form 4047) to customers requesting TANF.
- Domestic Violence Exclusion brochure (Form 4710) to customers requesting TANF.
- (Customer) Returns the completed Form 2905.
- (FCRC) If the request is for a SWAP to TANF Cash and there is an adult in the case, an assessment is required. Check the case record to see if an assessment has been completed. If not, schedule an assessment appointment for the customer. If requested by the customer, waive the appointment when a hardship prevents them from coming to the FCRC. See PM 02-06-01-b and WAG 02-06-01-b for hardship situations.
- (FCRC/Customer) For TANF Cash requests which contain an adult, complete a Responsibility and Services Plan (RSP) (Form 4003 Series). See PM 02-09-00.
- (FCRC) Enter the date received on Form 2905. Date stamp forms received by mail.
- (FCRC) Register a request for Cash under the same Medical category and basic number the case is in. Register the request through ACM or IPACS using TA 31/TAR A7. In Item 80 enter code 333 DCR with the 6-digit date of the request under AMOUNT. The SWAP request must be registered before it can be approved or denied.
When a SWAP request is registered, the case appears on the "Pending SWAP Request" List. This list is produced weekly and provided to each FCRC for which a case is included.
The case no longer shows on the list when:
- (FCRC) Complete ANQR and ARS inquiries.
- Complete an ACID inquiry when ANQR shows a matching record to another case.
- If there is a matching record on the ARS inquiry and the case number doesn't match the case number in ARS, send Change of Overpayment Information (Form 2404C) to the Bureau of Collections (BOC).
- (FCRC) Inform the customer of their responsibility to cooperate in obtaining support and right to claim good cause for noncooperation (see PM 01-02-00).
- (FCRC) Verify the following eligibility factors only if they are related to the change:
- income,
- employment, and
assets (if not previously verified for AABD).
- (FCRC) For TANF, review the case to make sure each person who must be included in the cash unit is added at the time of the SWAP (see PM 04-01-00). If the payee requests the addition of a person who is not required to be included in the unit, the caretaker relative must complete and sign Request for Assistance for Additional Family Member (Form 243).
NOTE: If the customer completed a Form 243, notify the payee of the decision using Notice of Decision on Request for Financial Assistance (Form 1934).
Review the case and Form 552 to make sure that all necessary information is available including marital status, work experience, education completed, Veteran's status, and if the customer has ever lived outside the State of Illinois.
- Complete an AWVS inquiry for every person being added who is age 16 and older.
- (FCRC) Explain Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Program (PM 23-08-01) if a family member has a high cost medical condition and has health insurance available to them.
- Give the customer HIPP Information Sheet (Form 3459) and help them complete Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Referral (Form 3459B).
- (FCRC) Determine eligibility for both TANF and AABD Cash after verifying the factors that caused the change from AABD Medical, FamilyCare Assist, or All Kids to Cash.
Example: A customer receives Unemployment Insurance (UI). The benefits run out and the customer requests cash benefits. Verify that UI ended. No other eligibility factors need to be verified.
- (FCRC) For TANF Cash, determine if the case should be in EZ REDE status (see WAG 19-07-00).
- (FCRC) If a SWAP request is denied, record the denial by completing the current Form 552 for the Medical case as follows:
- Item 2 - Enter the regular roll effective month.
- Item 3 - Enter TA 31.
- Item 33 - Enter TAR A8.
- Item 80 - Enter code 334 DENY. In the AMOUNT column, enter the 6-digit date the SWAP request was denied. In the PERSONS column, enter the 2-digit denial code that represents the reason the SWAP request was denied.
Example: A SWAP request to TANF is denied on 5/20/05 due to income from employment obtained while the request was pending. Enter Item 80 code 334 DENY with 05/20/05 under AMOUNT and 53 under PERSONS.
If the Cash request is denied, complete and send the Denial Cash and/or Medical section of Form 360I showing the reason for the denial.
- (FCRC) When approving a SWAP to Cash, complete as follows:
- Item 1 -Category: Enter the new category code above the current category. Do not line out the printed category code.
- Local Office: Do not change this item. If an inter-office transfer is involved, process the transfer action before the SWAP.
- Basic Number: Do not change this item. If there is a change in payee, process the change as a separate action before the SWAP. For a change in payee, see WAG 16-01-00.
- NOTE: To process a SWAP from 94R to TANF Cash, first change the case number from the 94R case number to a 94 case number. After the number is changed, process the SWAP.
- Item 2 - Effective Date: Enter the 6-digit date that is the 30th day following the date that Form 2905 was received in the Family Community Resource Center, or for TANF, the date of initial eligibility after the 30th day following the date that Form 2905 was received.
- Note: For TANF Norman or Crisis Assistance cases in which eligibility exists prior to the 30th day, enter a Y under the SUPPLIED BY column of Item 80 code 333 DCR prior to initiating the SWAP action.
- The 6-digit date listed is the Cash approval date. The Medical case is centrally canceled for the month following the processing month.
- NOTE: For AABD, if the customer resides in a sheltered care home, enter the date that Form 2905 was received or the date the customer entered the sheltered care home, whichever is later. If the customer entered the sheltered care home after the 30th day following the date Form 2905 was received, enter the 30th day following the date Form 2905 was received. If the effective date is prior to the 30th day, enter a Y under the SUPPLIED BY column of Item 80 code 333 DCR prior to initiating the SWAP action.
- Item 3 -Type Action: Enter code 81 or 82 as follows:
- 81 Enter when opening the case under the new category as a new approval.
- TA 11 is centrally entered on the Form 552 printout. The case is automatically registered by the system as a new application, TA 01.
- 82 Enter when the case was previously authorized under the new category and assistance is to be restored.
- TA 12 is centrally entered on the Form 552 printout. The case is automatically registered as a reapplication, TA 02.
- Item 4 -Enter 1.
- Item 5 -Complete, as needed.
- Item 6 -Complete (caseworker).
- Items 7-29 -Complete as needed.
- Item 30 -For TANF Cash, record completion of a REDE, entering the calendar month that the determination of cash eligibility was made. But do not complete a REDE, or TANF Eligibility Information (Form 4002).
- Items 31, 32 -Complete as needed.
- Item 33 -Enter the correct opening TAR. The TAR appears on the Cash opening printout. One of the following closing TARs is automatically generated and printed on the Medical closing printout:
SWAP from |
Medical Closing Reason |
90 to 00 |
85 |
91 to 01 |
80 |
92 to 02 |
81 |
93 to 03 |
82 |
94 to 04 |
83 |
96 to 06 |
83 |
- Item 35 -Complete as needed.
- Item 36 - When a case meets EI REDE status enter code R.
- Item 39 -Enter code 90 to suppress the central notice (Form 360C).
Complete and send the Form 360 series. Send the first page, Form 360D, and the appeals rights page, Form 360P. Complete and send any other pages and sections that apply to the program(s) where a determination was made.
For AABD cases, complete and send AABD/SNAP Computation (Form 4050).
Always complete the following information on Form 360D:
- Date of Notice;
- Local office name, address, and telephone number; and
- Date of application. This date must always be the date the FCRC received the completed Form 2905.
- Item 42 -Complete as needed.
- Item 44 -Complete.
- Items 50-52 -Complete as needed.
- Item 60 -For TANF, reenter or enter QMB status indicator as needed. For customers enrolled in State Buy-In, reenter status indicator 6 to continue Buy-In. Also reenter HIB status indicator 2.
Enter a work and training code, as appropriate.
For AABD, reenter or enter QMB status indicator as needed. For customers enrolled in State Buy-In, reenter SMIB status indicator 6 to continue Buy-In. Also reenter HIB status indicator (SI) 2, HIB SI 3, HIB SI 4, SMIB SI 5, SMIB SI 7, or SMIB SI 9 when already present.
- Items 61-74 -Complete as needed.
- Item 77 -Enter as the beginning medical eligibility date, the first day of the month in which the SWAP took place. See Item 2. If the case was in spenddown, determine eligibility for backdated medical.
- Item 78 -For TANF, Complete as needed.
- Item 79 -Complete as needed.
- Item 80 -Revise as needed. See Step 16a for the entry of code 100 and the IPE.
- When a case is SWAPPED from Medical to TANF and the case contains an adult, enter code 675 CAF.
- For AABD Cash, enter the Needs codes that apply to the case.
- Item 90 -Enter any budgetable monthly income.
- (System) If eligible, authorizes an Initial Prorated Entitlement (IPE) to meet needs until receipt of the first regular roll check.
- (FCRC) Compute and authorize the IPE as an exception to central prorate when:
- income/deductions are applied to the IPE that are not used for the regular monthly benefit;
- income/deductions not applied to the IPE period are deducted from the regular monthly benefit;
- needs included in the IPE period are not continued in the regular monthly benefit; or
- the IPE period is for more than 60 days.
To authorize an exception to central prorate, enter Item 80 code 100 and the prorated amount(s). Round down the IPE. For TANF Cash, enter any regular monthly needs to be authorized in addition to the Payment Level.
NOTE: The system issues an IPE check in the amount entered for code 100. If code 100 is not rounded down, the system rounds down automatically.
See WAG 17-02-01-c for TANF and WAG 17-02-02-b for AABD, to calculate the IPE amount as an exception to central prorate. Start cash benefits effective:
When a FamilyCare Assist or Moms and Babies customer requests a SWAP to Cash and is eligible for the first 30 days and IPE period, but is ineligible for the first regular roll month because earnings are too high:
- SWAP to Cash;
- issue IPE; and
- cancel the case with the TAR that provides a medical extension.
Eligible For Cash - Active SNAP Case
- If the customer has separate Medical and SNAP (Category 08) cases, cancel the Category 08 case effective the first regular roll month of the Cash benefit. Authorize SNAP on the Medical case for the first regular roll month of the Cash case. Do not extend the approval period past the original 24-month period.
- If the customer gets Medical and SNAP on the same case, authorize benefits under the Cash case number starting with the first regular roll month of the cash benefit. For AABD, the SNAP approval period ends the same month it was approved for under the AABD Medical case number. For TANF, change the approval period end date to correspond to the TANF REDE cycle.
For TANF: Review the end date of the SNAP approval period. If the period ends before the next face-to-face TANF REDE, have the customer complete a SNAP REDE application. Authorize the new period to end with the next face-to-face TANF REDE. If the approval period ends after the next face-to-face TANF REDE is due, do not change the period. When the face-to-face TANF REDE is done, have the customer complete a SNAP REDE application. The new approval period ends with the next face-to-face TANF REDE.
Include a copy of the latest SNAP application with the case record. Make sure copies of the correct SNAP documents are put in the case record (see WAG 18-04-11-a).
Ineligible For Cash - Active SNAP Case
Review the case to make sure the eligibility factors reported in the cash benefit determination are reflected in the SNAP amount.
Eligible For Cash - No Active SNAP Case
- When a customer submits Form 2905, ask if they want to apply for SNAP. If the customer is interested in getting SNAP, check the case record for an application for cash. An application for cash is a form other than a Request for Medical Assistance - Hospital/Nursing Home Application (Form 2378H), or All Kids Application, or All Kids-Health Insurance for Illinois Children (Form 2378KC or Form 2378MC).
- If the case record contains an application for cash, have the customer complete Application for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (Form 683). If the customer must complete a cash application for the cash request, do not have the customer complete Form 683.
- Register the application and, if necessary, issue SNAP on the Cash case number.
- If the customer is eligible for Cash benefits and a SNAP application is pending under a Category 08 number, process a TA 62 to transfer the pending Category 08 registration to the Cash case number. Process the transfer after the SWAP to Cash.
- If the customer is determined eligible for Cash, and a SNAP application is pending under the Medical number, process the SWAP to Cash. Then approve the SNAP application under the Cash case number.
- Send the correct pages and section(s) of the Form 360 series to notify the customer of the decision on the SNAP request and approval of the Cash request. For AABD, include with Form 360 series the AABD/SNAP Computation (Form 4050).
Ineligible For Cash - No Active SNAP Case
- When a customer submits Form 2905, ask if they want to apply for SNAP. If the customer is interested in getting SNAP, check the case record for an application for cash. An application for cash is a form other than a Request for Medical Assistance - Hospital/Nursing Home Application (Form 2378H), or All Kids Application, or All Kids-Health Insurance for Illinois Children (Form 2378KC or Form 2378MC).
- If the case record contains an application for cash, have the customer complete Application for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (Form 683). If the customer must complete an application for cash for the cash request, do not have the customer complete Form 683.
- Register the SNAP application under the Medical number. If eligible, issue SNAP. If eligibility for expedited services exists, issue within expedited timeframes.
- Complete and send the correct pages and sections of the Form 360 series, showing the reason for the Cash denial and the SNAP approval, if eligible.
- If expedited SNAP are issued and there are postponed verifications, establish a one or 2-month approval period (see PM 02-08-05). Complete Form 360M, advising the customer when to reapply for SNAP.
- Deny the application and notify the customer of the decision on the SNAP request, if eligibility doesn't exist.
Transfer-In and SWAP
To transfer-in and SWAP a case, take the following actions in this order.
- Transfer-in and cancel the existing case using TA 45. The submittal must be made by the cut-off date of either the sending or receiving office for the same processing month, whichever comes first.
- Register an application or reapplication for the new case. The effective date of the application is the actual month, day, and year that the customer made the SWAP request and the TA must be either 01 or 02.
- Open or restore assistance on the new category case.
- Authorize the case as follows:
To authorize Cash, see WAG 25-08-01-a for TANF or WAG 25-08-02-a for AABD.
Complete these items as follows:
- Item 2 -Enter the 6-digit month, day, and year for which cash is to be authorized under the new category.
- Item 3 -Enter either TA 11 or 12.
- Item 4 -Enter 1.
If the case is eligible for an IPE, authorize the IPE and the regular roll action on the same Form 552. Start cash benefits effective the 30th day following the date Form 2905 is received in the local office, or for TANF, the date of initial eligibility after the 30th day following the date of the written request.
To authorize Medical, see WAG 25-08-01-b for TANF or WAG 25-08-02-b for AABD.
Enter in Item 2, the month and year for which medical is to be authorized under the new category.