CESSA - Region 4 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 10/15/2024

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 4 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes- Tuesday, October 15, 2024 - 10:00-11:30 via Zoom

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 11/19/2024

  • Call to Order
    • Meeting called to order at 10:05 by Co-Chair, Julie Brugger
  • Members Present:
    • Charles Kelley, Randy Randolph, Deborah Humphrey, John Nowak, Joseph Harper, Jane Nesbit, James Hengehold, Brittany Pinnon-Becker, Emily Hejna. All attending members attended via Zoom and approved prior meeting minutes. There were not enough members in attendance to form Quorum.
  • Members Absent:
    • Breona Hawkins, Kelly Ann Jefferson, JoAnn Russell-Baum, Megan Black, Layla Simons, Steven Johnson, Dave Fellows, Erin Hazen, Cindy Wagner.
  • State Updates
    • 988 has started Geo routing. 988 as begun working with two of the major cell phone companies. They are working with the different cell phone companies in order to be able to gain Geo routing. Geo routing will basically route the call to the most local 988 answerer to where the person is when calling in.
  • Core Trainings
    • The pilot training for 988 crisis counselors includes a training on the Illinois Emergency Crisis System. This will give an overview of CESSA, an overview of 988, the roles and responsibility of 911 fire, EMS and law enforcement, initial telephone screening and standardized dispatch protocol as well as roles and responsibilities for telecommunicators to mobile crisis response teams. Also, the role and responsibility to close the communication loop with not only MCRT but also other 988 Call Centers as well as the child serving systems.
    • Another training will be necessary for 988 to participate in is the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services, which is basically cultural awareness trainings, a training on the power and importance of language, the power of communication, and then respectful interactions and working with individuals who have developmental disabilities or autism experiencing a behavioral health crisis. Some of these are recommended annually, some are recommended every two years, and then some are recommended as needed as additional training needs arise. Once we get started with our pilot, the State will send out an announcement that these are available and will tell us how to navigate those.
  • Subregional Committees
    • Beginning in October, the Subregional Committees Organization structure has been revised. This structure will be repeated in all eleven regions, it considers the factors of geography, vendor, and readiness. Our Regional Advisory Committee only has one Subregional Committee because all of our public safety entering points utilize a Priority Dispatch for their medical dispatch protocol, which means that all of ours will be participating in this Priority Dispatch learning collaborative. Members of the Subregional Committees at a minimum shall include representatives from 911 PSAPs, representatives from EMS Medical Directors Committee, representatives from law enforcement that serve all the different law enforcement jurisdictions within our EMS Region 4. Representatives of both the EMS providers and the unions representing EMS advocates from mental health, behavioral health, intellectual disability, and developmental disability communities. Others will be involved but PSAP's will be at the helm, facilitating the meetings and are more of the decision-making body.
  • Next Steps
    • We have a good start in beginning to identify Subregional Committee Representatives. We want to make sure that our Regional Advisory Committee Members complete the required board trainings.
  • Next Meeting Date: November 19, 2024
  • Public Comment- none
  • Adjournment- Number of members in attendance did not meet Quorum.