CESSA - Region 4 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 09/17/2024

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 4 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes- Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - 10:00-11:30 via Zoom

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 11/19/2024

  • Call to Order
    • Meeting called to order at 10:05 by Co-Chair, Julie Brugger
  • Members Present:
    • Cindy Wagner, phone. Randy Randolph, Zoom. Jane Nesbit, Zoom. Jody Russell Baum, Zoom. Layla Simons, Zoom. John Nowak, Zoom. Steven Johnson, Zoom. Joe Harper, Zoom. Brittany Pinnon-Becker, Zoom. James Hengehold, Zoom. Deborah Humphrey, Zoom. All attending Members approved previous meeting minutes for June 18, 2024.
  • Members Absent:
    • Jeff Shafer, Breona Hawkins, Kelly Jefferson, Megan Black, Timothy McClain, Dave Fellows, Patrick Feldhake, Erin Hazen.
  • State Updates Brenda Hampton
    • A forum was held on the Crisis Behavior System and how to enhance that system. This included the work that was being done both nationally and in Illinois in order to change the way individuals who have mental illness and behavior health issues are responded to and who responds to them.
    • Starting today, Vibrant, which is the National Center that overseas 988 and monitors 988 has approved Geo Coding by county, it is called Geo Routing. If a person is in a county in Illinois, that 988 call will route to where that person is in that county. It does not work for Cook County, due to all of the townships and villages within. The reason that Vibrant is not allowing geolocation is because of the FCC, which has said that 988 is a crisis line, a counseling line, and people can call 988 and be anonymous. They want to respect the integrity of that, to allow people to call in crisis and not disclose where they are and are not tracked. Geo Routing was turned on today for Cook County. There are provisions made to 988 Lifeline Call Centers to cover the full county including Centerstone, which is a statewide backup. Centerstone will back up the two 988 Lifeline centers in Cook County. Everywhere else in Illinois it is routed by that county.
  • Updates from SAC meeting
    • The different various Subcommittees gave updates that included that the pretest is in progress with PowerPhone; we will have these updates in the October meeting. For Priority Dispatch, there is a work group who is reviewing protocol and for the APCO computer aided dispatch system. The independent 911 systems meetings are to be convened.
  • RAC Resurgence
    • Our open Committee Members slots need to be filled, or if needed, make any changes to those.
  • 911 to 988 to MCRT Guidance
    • Discussions are about the different documents that the State has identified to outline the expectations for these communications; what information is provided, how the information is exchanged.
  • Mandatory Trainings for RAC members
    • Training for the Regional Advisory Committee Meeting Members will be online, a link will probably be available in the upcoming months. These trainings will include Harassment and Discrimination Prevention, Security and Awareness, HIPAA and Privacy training, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training, LGBTQIA plus Equity and Inclusion.
      • Q: If these trainings have already been completed by members, is there a database where these are recorded?
      • A: Brenda Hampton- I will check on this, I believe if the required trainings were previously taken, they do not need repeating; the information will go into a central database and flagged as fulfilled.
  • Next Steps
    • We need to identify a pilot for our region, this would be one of our Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP'S). This will be an opportunity to have a voice on how this works and does not. By piloting this change, it will allow the experience of how this is currently and the additional changes that need to continue to be made for our region. This will be testing how the protocols or dispatch decisions are changing according to the Illinois Risk Level Matrix and how that fits into the computer aided dispatch protocols. In our area, we do not always have backup Mobile Crisis Response Teams, and we do not always have the opportunity to have somebody else back us up. Our area is a bit different in that we are more rural than some others.
  • Comment:
    • Steve Johnson- I would be interested; we would have to know more specifics. This could be complicated for us as we are dispatched by MECOM which also dispatches for O'Fallon and Shiloh. Changing protocols for one department verse not doing the other two for a trial run could be complicated but I would definitely be interested in looking at this and doing a test run.
  • Next Meeting Date: October 15, 2024
  • Public Comment- none
  • Adjournment- John Nowak motioned and Deborah Humphries seconded.