WAG 17-02-01: Applicant Eligible (TANF Cash)

PM 17-02-01

(FCRC) Process all TANF Cash applications through AIS unless:

  • the system is not operational or
  • it is an exception situation where AIS cannot process a cash application.

NOTE: For RRP cases, see WAG 06-01-09.

revised textTANF Cash applications cannot be approved before the 30th day following application, unless:

  • the application is a Norman Case or
  • the applicant requests Crisis Assistance and they are eligible for it.

A TANF Cash application may be approved for medical assistance only, before the 30th day following the date of application (see WAG 17-02-01-a).

Approve medical benefits effective for the first month medical eligibility is established. However, do not approve medical benefits earlier than the 3rd month before the month of application.

Approval Process Via AIS

During the screening and/or eligibility interview, ACID, AWVS, and ARS clearings are automatically generated by AIS for each application to determine whether anyone included in the unit has received benefits in the past 2 years. If anyone has received benefits in the past 2 years, AIS enters their RIN on CAF Screen 7A.

Applications approved through AIS require the eligibility worker to enter specific information onto a series of AIS screens. The system codes Form 552 based on the information entered.

AIS determines eligibility for the first 30-day period and, if eligible, centrally computes the benefit amount for the IPE and first regular roll month.

AIS centrally generates and sends medical cards for the IPE period, and for the first regular roll month.

NOTE: For approvals via IPACS, see WAG 25-08-01-a.

new textCrisis Assistance

If a TANF applicant requests Crisis Assistance, make a decision on the TANF application and Crisis Assistance request within 5 workdays.

If the applicant is eligible for both TANF Cash and Crisis Assistance, approve the case by the 5th workday. Enter the beginning date of case eligibility in AIS. The beginning date of cash eligibility is the date of application, or date of eligibility if it is after the date of application. Approve the Crisis Assistance payment within 2 workdays from the date of the decision.

If the applicant is not eligible for TANF Cash, deny both the TANF Cash application and the request for Crisis Assistance and progress the case to medical.

If the applicant is eligible for TANF Cash but not Crisis Assistance, deny the request for Crisis Assistance. Process the TANF case in the normal fashion: the TANF case cannot be approved until the 30th day following application, and eligibility for cash assistance does not begin until 30 days following the date of application.

New textNorman Cases

Norman cases are identified via information entered on CAF Screen #28C. The following question concerning Crisis Assistance appears on the Case Cooperation Screen:

Has the applicant requested crisis assistance (see PM 06-03-00) for which the family is eligible? (Y/N) ________

If yes, enter the beginning date of case eligibility __________.

If the family requested Crisis Assistance and they are eligible, answer YES to the question and enter the appropriate cash eligibility date.

If the case is approved through AIS, code 205 is centrally entered in Item 80 if a Y answer to the Crisis Assistance question on the Case Cooperation Screen is provided. If the case is approved through IPACS, the worker must enter code 205 CRSIS in Item 80.

Initial Prorated Entitlement (IPE)

Approve TANF Cash benefits for the Initial Prorated Entitlement (IPE) in this way:

Begin with the 30th day after the date of application, unless:

  • the application is a Norman Case or
  • the applicant requests Crisis Assistance and they are eligible for it.

Continue initial eligibility through the day before the first day of the first regular roll month.

Determine the IPE amount as an exception to central prorate when:

  • the IPE period is for more than 60 days and
  • the application is approved via IPACS.

The IPE may be computed through AIS or IPACS. The IPE amount is determined by the 6-digit approval date (Item 2 of Form 552), needs (Item 80), income/deduction (Item 90), and the Payment Level.

NOTE: When a GA client is approved for TANF Cash, see WAG 02-05-11 to determine the IPE check.

See WAG 17-02-01-c for an explanation and examples of how to compute an IPE.

Approval With an IPE

When income is budgeted, AIS performs a separate calculation based on income expected to be received during the IPE period or first regular roll month. The Family Community Resource Center completes a series of screens for the IPE computation which uses actual dates and amounts of income to be received during the IPE period.

Approval Without an IPE

When a case is approved beginning with the regular roll month and no IPE is needed, complete the required screens as follows:

  • Item 2 - Enter the effective month and year (4-digit date) that the approval or restored assistance can be made on the regular roll.
  • Item 80 -Enter any needs to be authorized in addition to the Payment Level amount.

Approval Eligible for IPE Only

When an applicant is determined eligible for the first 30 days and the IPE period, but ineligible for the first regular roll month, the case is:

  • approved,
  • automatically identified,
  • issued an IPE,
  • canceled using the TAR for the reason for ineligibility, and
  • centrally sent Form 157C to notify of the reason for cancellation.

If the applicant is eligible for medical benefits beyond the IPE period, set up a Medical case effective for the fiscal month of the cash cancellation. The date of application for Medical is the first day of the fiscal month of cancellation.

Centrally Issued Notice of Decision (Form 360C)

(System) If coded not to suppress, centrally sends the Notice of Decision on Application for Cash, Medical and/or Food Stamps (Form 360C) for TANF Cash applications approved through AIS.

The system performs the following functions regarding the central notice process:

  • Identifies:
    • the person(s) approved for TANF Cash,
    • any persons included in the application who were determined ineligible to be included in the TANF case, and
    • the reason for their ineligibility.
  • If a request for SNAP is made with a TANF application:
    • identifies the person(s) approved for SNAP;
    • identifies the person(s) denied SNAP; and
    • gives the reason why they were found not eligible.
  • If applicable, sends the Approval TANF/Food Stamp Computation (Form 553I), and the Attachment to Worksheet for Computation of Grant/Food Stamps (Form 553GC), along with Form 360C.
  • If the applicant is determined ineligible for cash, but is found eligible for Regular Medical (non spenddown), Form 360C notifies the client of the Medical approval and the Cash ineligibility reason.
  • Includes information about eligibility for medical backdate for all persons included in the approved case (see WAG 17-02-05-a).
  • For cases receiving an IPE only (no regular roll benefits), Form 360C includes the IPE amount, anticipated availability date, period covered by the IPE, and beginning and ending medical eligibility dates. A Notice of Change (Form 157C) is not centrally sent.

(FCRC) Send Form 157 notifying the client of the reason for cancellation. Two Forms 552 are produced showing the approval and cancellation.


  • If AIS determines the regular monthly benefit to be zero, and a Zero Grant reason is not entered in Item 34, the system enters the correct Zero Grant reason in Item 34.

    AIS processes a zero benefit approval if the zero benefit is due to recoupment. For all other cases, the system suspends the case and Form 360C is not sent. If an IPE was authorized, the IPE is not issued. Two Forms 552 are sent to the Family Community Resource Center showing the approval and suspension. 

  • Dates and mails Form 360C and (if applicable) Form 553I and Form 553GC no later than 2 workdays after the date the decision was entered on the computer.

    Does not send copies of Form 360C, Form 553I, and Form 553GC to the FCRC. Sends the FCRC a daily list entitled IM Change Notices Issued Centrally/Intake Notices Issued Centrally. 

NOTE: The date each notice was sent is shown at the top of the listing.

Locally Issued Notice of Decision (Form 360 Series)

(FCRC) Complete and send the Form 360 series when:

  • A TANF Cash application is approved through IPACS. (Form 552 requires entry of code 90 in Item 39.)

    When sending the Form 360 series and the IPE was centrally computed, determine the amount of the IPE by accessing the Client Payroll Inquiry (PF7/F7 APRI) screen (see IPACS II Manual Chapter 700). Access APRI about 48 hours after the approval was entered on the computer. Enter the IPE amount in subsection, Approved Cash and/or Medical (Form 360D). 

  • A TANF Cash application is approved through AIS and the Family Community Resource Center has reason to send a locally issued decision notice. (AIS screen requires entry of code 90 in Item 39.)
  • A TANF Cash application is approved and one or more months in the backdate period is a spenddown month.

    When the case is enrolled or eligible for spenddown for any or all of the backdate months, complete Section *A** of Form 360 as notification. Complete Section *B** of Form 360 whenever the client is not eligible for the full 3 month medical backdate. Indicate in Section *B** of Form 360 the denial reason for medical ineligibility. Use the denial TAR messages currently valid for TA 05, Denials. 

  • A cash request includes a SNAP request. Complete and send the pages and sections of the Form 360 series that apply to the SNAP decision. If all the persons included in the SNAP application are not included in the approved case, list the ineligible persons and the reason for ineligibility for SNAP in Section *I** (Form 360M).
  • One or more of the persons for whom the application is made are not included in the approved TANF case, but are approved for another cash or medical program (GA in the city of Chicago or 94R downstate). When this happens:
    • advise applicant of the person(s) approved for the GA or 94R benefits; and
    • provide the denial reason for each benefit program any person(s) was determined not eligible.

When sending the Form 360 series, always send the first page (Form 360D) and the appeals rights page (Form 360N) along with any other pages and sections that apply to the program(s) for which a determination was made.

Always complete the following information on Form 360D:

  • Date of Notice;
  • Family Community Resource Center name, address, and telephone number; and
  • Date of application.

Do not date Form 360D until the decision is made on the application. Enter as the date of notice the date Form 360D is mailed.

For cases with income budgeted, complete and attach the TANF Cash Computation (Form 2383C) and the Supplement to Form 2383C, TANF Cash Computation (Form 2383B), if applicable, to Form 360.

NOTE: Do not send Form 2383C or Form 2383B to RRA applicants.

See WAG 26-02-01-a for detailed information on how to complete the Form 360 series.