WAG 16-05-03-c: Protective Payee Service Unit (PPSU), Cook County

A protective payment plan may designate the Protective Payee Service Unit (PPSU) to serve as the protective payee.

Processing actions are performed by PPSU staff for referrals from the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) or Family Community Resource Center IM staff for all other cases.

For cases going to the PPSU, processing Authorization for Deposit of Cash Assistance -- Protective Payee Cases (Form 2493A), does not apply.

PPSU Cases - Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) Referrals

  1. (CHA) Completes Request for Protective Payee (Form 1653), and sends it to the PPSU, in order to put a case into protective payment status. CHA makes the referral due to nonpayment of CHA rent.
  2. (PPSU) Sends client a Notice of Protective Payment Due to Overdue CHA Rent.

    If client does not respond within 10 calendar days, sends Notice to Client of Protective Payment Plan (Form 2392) to the client. 

  3. (PPSU) Sends a copy of Form 2392 to the Family Community Resource Center through the supervisor.
  4. (PPSU) Completes and submits a new Form 552 authorizing the protective payment plan.
    • At Application
    • Item 1 Complete.
    • Item 2 Enter the date of (MMDDYY) of the original application.
    • Item 3 Enter 03.
    • Items 5 & 6 Complete.
    • Item 8 Line out the client's name and enter:
      • leave 2 spaces
      • followed by the appropriate Payee Indicator letter PPP or PPU
    • Items 9 & 10 Enter the client's last name and first initial(s) followed by the client's address.
    • Item 33 Enter 45.
    • Item 45 Enter 10900.
    • Active Cases - Enter the following changes on the latest Form 552 printout:
    • Item 2 Enter effective month and year of change.
    • Item 3 Enter 31.
    • Item 8 Line out the client's name and enter:
      • ACCOUNT, DHS
      • leave 2 spaces
      • followed by the appropriate Payee Indicator letter PPP or PPU
    • Items 9 & 10 Enter the client's last name and first initial(s) followed by the client's address.
    • Item 33 Enter 45.
    • Item 44 Complete.
    • Item 45 Enter 10900.
    • Item 46 Line out any entry in this item.
    • Items 50-52 Complete if applicable.
  5. (System) Performs the following actions:

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    • Electronically sends client's next regular roll check to the PPSU bank account.
    • Sends the MediPlan Card to client's home address as entered in Items 9 and 10.
    • Sends client's SNAP benefits to Illinois Link.
  6. (System) On a monthly basis, pays to CHA the client's current rent plus an amount on the unpaid rent owed by the client.
  7. (IM) Make changes to case situation as necessary. Changes in need, amount of income, address, or circumstances may affect the protective payment plan. For this reason, send a copy of Form 552 to PPSU, after the change is authorized.
  8. (IM) When a case transfers in to your Family Community Resource Center, review the need for continuing the protective payment plan.
    • The need may no longer exist due to a change in client conditions.
    • The need may exist, but you may have to alter the protective payee/direct deposit information. 
      • NOTE: For the transfer of a case (that remains coded for PPSU status) to another Family Community Resource Center located within Cook County:
        • The protective payment plan information, existing on the Form 552 of the sending office, will be accepted for reentry during the transfer-in action by the receiving office.
      • For the transfer of a case (that remains coded for PPSU status) to a Family Community Resource Center located in a different county:
        • The protective payment plan information, existing on the Form 552 of the sending office, can not be reentered during the transfer-in action by the receiving office. An edit in the computer system prevents this from happening.
        • If you decide that protective payment is still needed, you must take the appropriate steps to put the case back into protective payment/direct deposit status.

PPSU Cases - Other Than Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) Referrals

  1. (IM) Complete Form 1653 and send it to the PPSU, in order to put a case into protective payment status that will be assigned to PPSU.

    NOTE: For AABD, assign protective payee cases to payroll Group 03. 

  2. (IM) Send Form 2392 to client.
  3. (IM) Submit Form 552 authorizing the protective payment plan. Follow the procedures described for CHA cases.
  4. (System) Performs the following actions:

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    • Electronically sends client's next regular roll check to the PPSU bank account.
    • Sends the MediPlan Card to client's home address as entered in Items 9 and 10.
    • Sends client's SNAP benefits to Illinois Link.
  5. (IM) When developing or reviewing the Responsibility and Service Plan (RSP) of a client with a protective payee, discuss issues relating to the need for a protective payee plan. When it applies, discuss financial management, alcohol or substance abuse treatment status, and child school attendance.
  6. (IM) Make changes to case situation as necessary. Changes in need, amount of income, address, or circumstances may affect the protective payment plan. For this reason, send a copy of Form 552 to PPSU, after a change is authorized.
  7. (IM) When a case transfers in to your Family Community Resource Center, review the need for continuing the protective payment plan.
    • The need may no longer exist due to a change in client conditions.
    • The need may exist, but you may have to vary the protective payee/direct deposit information.
      • NOTE: For the transfer of a case (that remains coded for PPSU status) to another Family Community Resource Center located within Cook County:
        • The protective payment plan information, existing on the Form 552 of the sending office, will be accepted for reentry during the transfer-in action by the receiving office.
      • For the transfer of a case (that remains coded in PPSU status) to a Family Community Resource Center located in a different county:
        • The protective payment plan information, existing on the Form 552 of the sending office, can not be reentered during the transfer-in action by the receiving office. An edit in the computer system prevents this from happening.
        • If you decide that protective payment is still needed, you must take the appropriate steps to put the case back into protective payment/direct deposit status.