WAG 16-05-03-b: Family Community Resource Center Protective Payees (Counties Other Than Cook)

NOTE: This section does not apply to the Protective Payee Service Unit (PPSU) in Cook County.

To establish a protective payment plan which designates a Family Community Resource Center staff person as protective payee, do the following:

  1. (IM) Complete Request for Protective Payee (Form 1653).
  2. (IM) Send completed Form 1653 to the staff person assigned as the Family Community Resource Center protective payee.
  3. (FCRC PP) Upon receipt of Form 1653, complete and sign Protective Payment Plan Agreement (Form 2391).
  4. (FCRC PP) Complete the address section (the top portion) of Authorization for Deposit of Cash Assistance -- Protective Payee Cases (Form 2493A).

    The format described below matches the layout of Form 552 for Items 8, 9, and 10. It is used by the Exception Processing Unit (EPU) to change the case to protective payment status.

    In the name area - enter: 

    • followed by the first 4 letters of your Family Community Resource Center;
    • leave 2 spaces;
    • followed by the appropriate Payee Indicator letters PPP or PPU (depending on the type of protective payment plan).

      NOTE: To avoid duplication of the first 4 letters of a Family Community Resource Center, show the following counties as:

      Macon as MACN
      Macoupin as MCPN
      White as WITE
      Whiteside as WTSD
      Williamson as WLSN

      In the address area - enter:

    • the last name of the client;
    • followed by the first initial of the client; and
    • followed by the Family Community Resource Center address.
  5. (FCRC PP) Complete Section A of Form 2493A to include signature.
  6. (FCRC PP) Ensure that Form 2493A includes the required financial information identified in Section B:
    • attach a deposit slip to the Form 2493A and send it to the Exception Processing Unit (EPU); or
    • send the Form 2493A to the bank, savings and loan, or credit union for completion of Section B. (They will then mail it to EPU.)

      NOTE: Each Family Community Resource Center can have only one checking account to deposit client checks for protective payment purposes. 

  7. (FCRC PP) Complete and mail Notice to Client of Protective Payment Plan (Form 2392) to client to advise of the protective payment status.
  8. (EPU) Receives Form 2493A and completes the Form 552 actions for processing client checks into direct deposit.
  9. (System) Sends Notice Regarding Your Direct Deposit Request (Form 2501CF) to the Family Community Resource Center protective payee to verify the information.
  10. Deleted text'
  11. (System) For the first regular roll month of protective payment status, mails client's check to the Family Community Resource Center protective payee (not to the bank). The check goes to the protective payee's address listed in Item 9 of Form 552.

    NOTE: The first regular roll month of protective payment status is a test run of the direct deposit system to make sure the process runs smoothly. If a problem arises, the concerns can be corrected before direct deposit takes place. 

  12. (System) If there are no changes, mails Notice of Direct Deposit (Form 2501A) to the Family Community Resource Center protective payee. This form gives the starting date of the client's check being placed in direct deposit.
  13. (System) Directly deposits client's next check, for the 2nd regular roll month of protective payment status, into the bank account.
  14. (System) Performs the additional following actions:
    • Sends Notice of Benefit Direct Deposit (Form 3159A) each time a check is deposited into the protective payee account.
    • Mails the MediPlan card to the client.
    • Sends client's SNAP benefits to their Illinois Link account.
  15. (IM) Make changes to case situation as necessary. Changes in need, amount of income, address, or circumstances may affect the protective payment plan. For this reason, send a copy of Form 552 to the Family Community Resource Center protective payee, after the change is authorized.
  16. (IM) When a case transfers into your Family Community Resource Center, review the need for continuing the protective payment plan.
    • The need may no longer exist due to a change in client conditions.
    • The need may exist, but you may have to alter the protective payee/direct deposit information.

      NOTE: For the transfer of a case (that remains coded for Family Community Resource Center protective payee status) to a Family Community Resource Center located in a different county: 

      • The protective payment plan/direct deposit information, existing on the Form 552 of the sending office, can not be reentered during the transfer-in action by the receiving office. An edit in the computer system prevents this from happening.
      • If you decide that protective payment is still needed, you must take the appropriate steps to put the case back into protective payment/direct deposit status.