PM 16-03-02-a: Under Age 18

WAG 16-03-02-a.

Establish a representative payee (RPY) for an AABD client who is under age 18 if the client does not have a guardian. If the client has a guardian see PM 16-04-00. The payee for a client not yet 18 is usually:

  • the client's natural or adoptive parent if the parent is in the home; or
  • the client's natural or adoptive parent who does not live in the home, but who demonstrates strong concern for the client; or
  • another relative or stepparent who is living with the client; or
  • a relative or stepparent who does not live with the client, but who demonstrates strong concern for the client; or
  • any other adult who demonstrates strong concern for the client.

If the client lives independently and is capable of managing their own affairs, the client may be payee with written approval of the Family Community Resource Center administrator.