Action Memo
This Action Memo updates MR #15.11: National Directory of New Hires Matches for SNAP, dated 04/09/2015.
This Action Memo obsoletes MR #15.12: New Hire Match Clarifications, dated 05/05/2015.
- Effective June 2024, the monthly National Directory of New Hires (NDNH) Crossmatches have resumed for individuals receiving Cash and/or Food Assistance.
- Customers will receive a centrally mailed IL444-1721A and centrally created tasks will be created with the titles: National New Hire (SNAP) and National New Hire (TANF). The tasks will be created in the Changes/Misc. Queues of the corresponding Family and Community Resource Centers (FCRCs).
- The Bureau of Performance Management (BOPM) will manage the Mobius NDNH Reports and distribute them to the FCRC Local Office Administrators (LOAs).
- FCRC instructions are provided for the NDNH tasks to be processed accurately.
- NDNH data continues to be confidential. The data should not be shared via email or fax, except for individuals with prior approval, and the use of the data should be strictly limited to the administration of the programs.
- A Manual Release will be forthcoming updating PM/WAG 22-14-02.
Effective June 2024, the monthly National Directory of New Hires (NDNH) Crossmatches have resumed for individuals receiving Cash and/or Food Assistance. The NDNH collects information on new employment, unemployment benefits and quarterly wages. Illinois conducts matches on each type of information for Cash and/or Food Assistance customers. Medical only cases will not be selected for the NDNH Crossmatches.
All states send information on new employment to the NDNH and the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) conducts a monthly match between the NDNH and IES records for adults receiving Cash and/or Food Assistance. The matches are then compiled into a monthly Mobius report which is monitored by the Bureau of Performance Management (BOPM). Once the NDNH Mobius Reports, 50470741 (Cash) and 50470742 (Food Assistance) are available, BOPM will compile the matches and send the listing via encrypted email to all the FCRC Local Office Administrators (LOAs). LOAs must then print the listing(s) and immediately delete the encrypted email received from BOPM without saving, storing or forwarding the email or any of its contents, see PM 01-01-04-c for required confidentiality of earnings records.
Batch action created tasks titled: National New Hire (SNAP) and National New Hire (TANF) will be created in the Changes/Misc. Queues of the corresponding FCRCs, however the report information will not be viewable in IES. FCRCs are advised to continue working cases to the furthest point possible without leaving cases in a pending case action so that these tasks can be correctly created. IL444-1721A will be centrally mailed to all the matched individuals the same day the tasks are created and will allow the customer ten (10) days to respond to the notice and if necessary, verify the wages. FCRCs will be responsible for completing all tasks and LOAs will email the BOPM upon completion at: DHS.BOPM.NationalNewHire@Illinois.gov.
FCRC Action
Review the cases on the lists the same day they are received. Prompt action on cases can help prevent payment errors even when clients do not report the change. NDNH matches are not verified upon receipt and will require verification if determined that the household was required to report the new job.
Mid-Point Reporting Status
During the approval period, Mid-Point Reporting (MPR) households do not have to report a new job unless the income exceeds their gross monthly income standard, see PM 19-07-00: Mid-Point Reporting Status (SNAP, TANF). If a MPR household appears on the NDNH list, do the following:
MPR household submits all necessary verification of income
- Update the household's income accordingly and send proper notice to the household after the case is certified. Mark the task complete and complete case comments documenting the case actions taken.
MPR household does not respond to IL444-1721A or only sends partial verifications
Determine if the NDNH information must be acted on. It must be acted on if it:
- is fewer than 60 days old relative to the current month of participation and would have been required to be reported per the MPR reporting requirements; or
- appears to present significantly conflicting information from that used to determine eligibility at the time of certification.
See WAG 18-04-03 under, "When to Act on Unclear Information Received from Data Crossmatches", for further guidance.
If determined that action must be taken:
- Confirm that the CSU DataCap and scan processes are both completed through the due date of the IL444-1721A. If both dates are after the IL444-1721A due date, withdraw the Food Assistance and/or Cash Assistance program(s) for all individuals receiving those benefits, which will close those Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs). For FHP, ACA and/or AABD Medical programs, update all adults 19 years old and older who are receiving those benefits to non-requestors, which will close which will close those Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs).
- Run eligibility, certify the case, mark the task complete and complete case comments documenting the actions taken. Delete the centrally generated notice, create a manual Notice of Decision including the reason for the adverse action, upload a copy of the notice to the Electronic Case Record (ECR), and locally mail the notice.
- The reason for the adverse action will be:
- Because you failed to verify your earned income by ________, we are unable to determine your continued eligibility. PM 08-04;
- Debido a que usted no verifico sus ingresos del trabajo antes del __________, no podemos determinar si su elegibilidad continua. PM 08-04
If determined that action is not necessary at this time:
- Mark the task complete and complete a case comment with the details of the crossmatch. The NDNH Crossmatch should be followed up on at the customer's next MPR or REDE, whichever comes first.
MPR household makes contact via phone or in person regarding their IL444-1721A
Determine if the NDNH information must be acted on. It must be acted on if it:
- is fewer than 60 days old relative to the current month of participation and would have been required to be reported per the MPR reporting requirements; or
- appears to present significantly conflicting information from that used to determine eligibility at the time of certification.
If determined that action must be taken:
- Explain to the customer what verifications are needed, the due date for returning them based on the IL444-1721A and the result if they are not returned.
If determined that action is not necessary at this time:
- Explain to the customer that the income change does not need to be verified at this time but will be acted on at their next REDE or MPR. Mark the task complete and complete a case comment with the details of the NDNH Crossmatch so that it can be followed up on at the customer's next MPR or REDE, whichever comes first.
For cases with medical assistance, if the customer says that they are working, ask if they have health insurance. If appropriate, complete HFS 1442 and send it to the TPL unit.
Change Reporting Status
Change reporting households must report a new job within then (10) days of the date they learn about the change, see PM 18-04-00.
Change Reporting household submits all necessary verification of income
Update the household's income accordingly and review the centrally generated notice for accuracy before mailing once the case is certified. Mark the task complete and complete case comments documenting the case actions taken.
Change Reporting household does not respond to IL444-1721A or only sends partial verifications
Determine if the NDNH information must be acted on. It must be acted on if it:
- is fewer than 60 days old relative to the current month of participation and would have been required to be reported per the Change Reporting requirements; or
- appears to present significantly conflicting information from that used to determine eligibility at the time of certification.
See WAG 18-04-03 under, "When to Act on Unclear Information Received from Data Crossmatches", for further guidance.
If determined that action must be taken:
- Confirm that the CSU DataCap and scan processes are both completed through the due date of the IL444-1721A. If both dates are after the IL444-1721A due date, withdraw the Food Assistance and/or Cash Assistance program(s) for all individuals receiving those benefits, which will close those Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs). For FHP, ACA and/or AABD Medical programs, update all adults 19 years old and older who are receiving those benefits to non-requestors, which will close those Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs).
- Run eligibility, certify the case, mark the task complete and complete case comments documenting the actions taken. Delete the centrally generated notice, create a manual Notice of Decision including the reason for the adverse action, upload a copy of the notice to the Electronic Case Record (ECR), and locally mail the notice.
- The reason for the adverse action will be:
- Because you failed to verify your earned income by ________, we are unable to determine your continued eligibility. PM 08-04;
- Debido a que usted no verifico sus ingresos del trabajo antes del __________, no podemos determinar si su elegibilidad continua. PM 08-04
Change Reporting household makes contact via phone or in person regarding their IL444-1721A
Determine if the NDNH information must be acted on. It must be acted on if it:
- is fewer than 60 days old relative to the current month of participation and would have been required to be reported per the Change Reporting requirements; or
- appears to present significantly conflicting information from that used to determine eligibility at the time of certification.
If determined that action must be taken:
- Explain to the customer what verifications are needed, the due date for returning them based on the IL444-1721A and the result if they are not returned.
If determined that action is not necessary at this time:
- Explain to the customer that the income change does not need to be verified at this time but will be acted on at their next REDE. Mark the task complete and complete a case comment with the details of the NDNH Crossmatch so that it can be followed up on at the customer's next REDE.
For cases with medical assistance, if the customer says that they are working, ask if they have health insurance. If appropriate, complete HFS 1442 and send it to the TPL unit.
Note: Do not run The Work Number (TWN) clearance when working a NDNH match unless the Cash or Food Assistance EDG is at Initial application or REDE.
[signed copy on file]
Dulce M. Quintero
Secretary-Designate, Illinois Department of Human Services
Forms Referenced:
HFS 1442