PM 15-08-13.
The computer system will identify clients whose
waiver services cost equals or exceeds their spenddown amount. The system centrally takes appropriate action to put the case in met status. This match is done monthly at schedule cut-off.
Mobius Report #R8450469-03 is produced daily and identifies cases that received either
Notice of Decision (Form 360C) or Notice of End of Eligibility for Medical Assistance (Form 3358A). These central notices are sent when cases change centrally between met and unmet status. Use the listing as verification the notices were sent.
Mobius Report #R83003741 is produced monthly. This report identifies cases that have been terminated or indicates that the amount of services received is no longer enough to meet spenddown.
When the system determines that spenddown is met with Waiver Services
(System) IES changes the case status to met with a spenddown status indicator W.
- The worker can still change the spenddown amount.
- (System) Sends Form 360C to the client.
When the system determines that spenddown is no longer met with DoA services or DHS-DRS/DDD community-based services, the system:
- (System) Changes the case to unmet status.
- (System) Sends Form 360C to the client.
- (System) Sends a listing to the Family Community Resource Center to let them know that either services have terminated or the amount of the services is no longer enough to meet spenddown.