PM 15-08-08-b: Inpatient Hospital Care Costs

WAG 15-08-08-b.

When hospital bills are presented, use the date of admission as the date of the service unless the hospital stay continued into the next calendar month. When the hospital stay begins during one month and continues into the next month, the hospital should provide separate charges for each month in the stay.

If a hospital stay includes days in more than one month, charges for the days in the first month are considered incurred on the actual date of admission. Charges for the next month are considered incurred on the first day of that month even though it was not the date of admission. Apply each calendar month's charges to the monthly spenddown, assuming the client wants Medicaid to pay the bill and does not want to carryover the bill to a later month.

If the Family Community Resource Center is unable to obtain monthly charges on a bill that covers more than one calendar month, the Family Community Resource Center determines the monthly charges by dividing the total charges by the number of days in the hospital stay. This determines an average daily charge amount. For each calendar month the client is in the hospital, multiply the number of days in the hospital during that calendar month times the average daily charge. This results in separate monthly charges for each month of the hospital stay. The admission date is day one and discharge the last day of the stay.

Apply each month's calculated charges to the spenddown for the corresponding month, assuming the client wants Medicaid to pay the bill and does not want to carryover the bill to a later month. For each calendar month other than the month of admission, the calculated amount is considered incurred on the first day of the calendar month.