PM 15-06-03-a: Family Size

WAG 15-06-03-a.

When a dependent or spouse with nonexempt income moves from the home, recalculate income and for AABD, assets, based on the new unit size and available income and assets. When a dependent or spouse who has not been included in the standard moves into the home, include the spouse in the standard and if requested the dependent. Recalculate available income and for AABD, assets, using the new Income Standard and asset limit. Recalculate income and for AABD, assets, using the new standard for the first full month that the unit size changes for all persons age 19 and over. Income and for AABD, assets, do not affect eligibility for a person under the age of 19 who is receiving medical assistance unless the Last Medicaid Determination Date is more than 12 months in the past.