CESSA Training and Education Subcommittee Meeting - Approved Minutes 04/23/2024

CESSA Training and Education Subcommittee - April 23, 2024, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 06/25/2024


  • Welcome & Call to Order
  • Roll Call
  • Approval of Minutes - Feb. 6, 2024 and March 19, 2024
  • Meeting Logistics/OMA
  • New Business
    • Training Plans
  • Wrap-up/Next Meeting
    • Vote on Meeting Calendar & Frequency
  • Public Comments
  • Adjournment

The meeting was called to order by Lee Ann Reinert at 10:33 a.m.

Roll Call:

Present: Michelle Churchey-Mims (Designee for Blanca Campos), Jessica Gimeno (Designee for Candace Coleman), Lee Ann Reinert (Designee for Dave Albert), Pooja Nagpal

Absent: Ashley Thoele (Designee-Greg Atteberry or Robert Van Bebber), Emily Miller, Rachael Ahart, Cindy Barbera-Brelle

Motion to approve minutes: Michelle Churchey-Mims motioned to approve minutes from previous meetings Feb. 6, 2024, and March 19, 2024. Pooja Nagpal seconded. Michelle Churchey-Mims and Lee Ann Reinert approved both months. Jessica Gimeno and Pooja Nagpal abstained from February and approved March. No quorum. Minutes not approved.

Training Plans:

Dr. Terry Solomon summarized the feedback process:

  • February 6, 2024 - Trainings Plans reviewed at Training and Education Subcommittee Meeting
  • February 7, 2024 - Training Plans presented at the RAC Co-Chairs Meeting
  • February 9, 2024 - Training Plans and surveys were sent to RAC
  • April 15, 2024 - Surveys from RACs due

Dr. Terry Solomon presented the feedback from the surveys for each training plan. The PowerPoint slides depict highlights from the survey results. The surveys asked the RACs the following questions for each plan (911, 988, and 590):

  1. Is any training content missing from the Training Plans that your RAC thinks should be required?
  2. Is any training content included in the Training Plans that your RAC thinks should NOT be required?
  3. Is there additional training your RAC would like to see specific for your Region (which isn't required statewide)?
  4. Do you have other comments on the Training Plan?

Discussion on the 911 Training Plan Survey Results (Terry Solomon):

* The Hub is following the leadership of the Statewide 911 Administrator, which is Cindy. We will make sure that any training requirements are consistent with any laws in place.

Discussion on the 988 Training Plan Survey Results (Terry Solomon):

  • Pooja Nagpal: Does the training process involve protocol around follow-up? If someone calls 988 and they are given resources, who does the follow-up?
    • Terry Solomon: It is not a training that we currently have identified but we can include your comments.
    • Lee Ann Reinert: I know that Vibrant requires follow-up from the 988 call centers. I don't know what training is required but from a policy perspective, follow-up is a requirement of 988 call centers. What I noted from the 988 responses, the first ones you highlighted didn't seem to be training so much as policies and protocols. So, I think we need to make sure we share this feedback with the Standards and Protocols subcommittee.
  • Jessica Gimeno [in chat]: I am part of RAC 11 and I wanted to make sure you received the mini-report a subgroup (5 CESSA members) in RAC 11 put together of feedback. I submitted the report to the RAC 11 Co-Chairs on 04/15 in addition to the survey.
    • Jessica will resend to Sarah Ferugson and Terry Solomon.
    • Summary of RAC 11 work-group's feedback:
      • One of our members, a doctor, suggested a mixed training so that each understands the other's role and to build relationships. Dr. Margie Balfour what they did in Tuscan was embedded 988 and 911 in each other's centers so they could see each other's operations.
      • Perhaps affirming or supportive interactions with special populations rather than respect because respect is a biased term that can vary

Discussion on the 590 Training Plan Survey Results (Terry Solomon):

Training Plans Next Steps (Terry Solomon): 

  • We will consult with DMH to develop the answers to the Frequently Asked Questions that we will share with this subcommittee and the RACs. Once we finalize everything, we will submit it to the Statewide Advisory Committee.
  • There is interest in training and the work is in progress. The process includes as much feedback from the providers and this committee as possible.

Training Plan Conversations with State Agencies (Lee Ann Reinert):

  • Between DHS and HFS most specifically, there is a lot of work going on to coordinate what we're calling a unified crisis continuum. The Strengthening and Transforming Behavioral Health Crisis Care in Illinois (STBHCC) Act is a part of that work.
  • We most recently had a joint meeting that included the Crisis Hub, DMH, HFS, and Medicaid Technical Assistance Center (MTAC).
  • All DMH 590 grantees are required through grant agreement to bill Medicaid if they serve individuals who have Medicaid. So, they are also required to be in compliance with anything that HFS requires for Medicaid providers. There are a total of three trainings that are required, provided through MTAC, a division of the Office of Medicaid Innovation (OMI) at the University of Illinois. This will continue to be a requirement of all 590 Mobile Crisis Response Team providers. We don't want to be redundant.
  • Because of their history of Medicaid providers, they had some concerns about how much it costs agencies to have their employees in training. They want to make sure people are well prepared to do their job, but it's important to think about what's required versus what's recommended. For example, if someone is coming in with a certain level of education, maybe you don't need to do all the trainings. So that's a question and we are trying to strike that balance and are still working on it.
  • Shawn Cole: It makes sense for Medicaid to figure out how to embrace this. In a program approval, the providers have to do basic trainings that come out of the SASS program. Three is probably not enough but at the end of the day, it makes sense for HFS to embrace that as well.
  • Lee Ann Reinert:
    • We are also talking about using a learning management system. We want to make this as simple as possible for providers to access training and to get credit for training that's been completed.
    • Avoiding duplication and simplifying is our mantra right now.
  • Michelle Churchey-Mims:
    • I like that Shawn pointed out what we do here will have impacts across the system.
    • Also, I just want to reinforce that there are costs involved. With 590, there is capacity grants but in the larger MCR system there are not. I appreciate the idea of using technology and being efficient.
  • Lee Ann Reinert:
    • Just last week, SAMSHA said they are getting ready to release an updated version of their guidance from 2020.
    • Our recommendations around training need to be flexible and adjust as additional guidance comes forward.
    • I was at NATCON last week and there was a huge focus on AI. I attended a session that was talking about the use of AI in training, quality monitoring and feedback for 988 call takers.
  • Amanda Lake:
    • SUPR is developing a substance use training for mobile crisis with DHS and HFS. There are 10 modules that providers can select.

Next Steps (Lee Ann Reinert):

Rather than having a meeting and cancelling because we don't have the content ready, the Hub is proposing that we meet once a month instead of twice a month while the Hub develops the

training plans. We don't have a quorum so we can't vote to change the calendar, but we can cancel one at a time so May 14, 2024, is cancelled.

Upcoming Meetings:

The next meeting will be May 28, 2024, from 10:30 am - 12:00 pm.

Public Comment: No hands raised.

Adjournment: Lee Ann Reinert adjourned the meeting at 11:33 am.