CESSA Technology, Systems Integration & Data Management Subcommittee Meeting - Approved Minutes 06/06/2024

CESSA Subcommittee for Technology, Systems Integration & Data Management (TSIDM)

June 06, 2024, 2:00 - 3:30 pm via Zoom

Subcommittee members: Brent Reynolds, Cindy Barbera-Brelle, David Albert (Designee-Lee Ann Reinert), Richard Manthy, Jim Kaitschuk, Ashley Thoele (Designee-Robert Van Bebber/ Lynn Akker)

  • Welcome and Call to Order (Roll Call)
  • Open Meetings Act
  • Approval of the Minutes from previous meeting
  • State updates
  • Updates from and to other bodies
  • Planning and updates on Subcommittee deliverables
  • Next meeting dates
  • Public comment
  • Adjournment

The meeting was called to order by Brent Reynolds at 2:03 pm.

Brent Reynolds reviewed procedures around the Open Meetings Act and meeting logistics.

Roll call and Motion to approved previous meeting minutes:

  • Present: Brent Reynolds, Cindy Barbera-Brelle, Lee Ann Reinert, Richard Manthy, Jim Kaitschuk, Lynn Akker
  • Motion to approve meeting minutes from April 15, 2024 from Rick Manthy, seconded by Brent Reynolds.
    • Members who voted to approve: Brent Reynolds, Cindy Barbera-Brelle, Lynn Akker, Jim Kaitschuk, Richard Manthy
    • Members who abstained: Lee Ann Reinert
    • Motion carried.
  • Motion to approve meeting minutes from May 20, 2024 from Lee Ann Reinert, seconded by Richard Manthy.
    • Members who voted to approve: Cindy Barbera-Brelle, Lynn Akker, Richard Manthy, Lee Ann Reinert
    • Members who abstained: Brent Reynolds, Jim Kaitschuk
    • Motion carried.

State updates (Lee Ann Reinert):

  • Legislative session is over. CESSA revisions bill passed House and Senate so it was sent for the Governor's signature and we are waiting.
  • It's the end of the fiscal year, so we are looking to make sure grant agreements are in place for FY2025 funding.
  • We have a new large call center as of July 1, 2024. They should go into routing with Vibrant. They are training staff now. They have a plan to be able to cover projected volume July 1, 2024. We'll pull them into meetings after July 1, 2024.

Updates to and from other bodies (Pete Eckart):

  • We are working towards pulling together regional work, Protocols and Standards work, and the vendor workgroups. All of the hard work that Mary and Cindy has done has resulted in a plan to do a pre-test in three different locations for PowerPhone.
  • We've been asked, because of our responsibility for data systems, by people involved in the pre-tests and pilots to develop a data collection and reporting plan that would support the work in the pre-tests and pilots in regions across the whole state.
  • The Hub developed that plan built on the work on this Subcommittee. When you see this plan, it will not be new. It's based on the recommendations that you already discussed about what data needs to be collected.

Planning and updates on subcommittee deliverables:

Background (Pete Eckart):

  • The Subcommittee Charter has five deliverables that morphed into nine pieces of work. Those nine elements are the contents of the report.
  • All members of the Subcommittee were given the opportunity to review the draft of the report, which represent the Hub staff's attempts to describe the work we've been doing for the last two years.
  • Our chair has always invited members of the public to participate during the meeting instead of at the end, so members of the public were invited to share their comments on the report as well. We did not include comments from members of the public in this draft for review since they are not members of the subcommittee. These are things that will be especially relevant when we discuss what's next for this subcommittee. Some of the suggestions that we got in public comment will be really relevant as we start talking about how we move forward.
  • The draft we will share today includes subcommittee feedback expect Lee Ann's. Most of the feedback was good overall, just grammatical changes. So, we have some comments from Lee Ann for Action 9 and three specific things to discuss with the committee today.
  • Brent Reynolds asked if everyone could see the screenshare and no one had issues.

Review and discussion of the proposed revisions (Dr. Mary Smith and Sarah Ferguson):

  • Action 1: Document currently collected service data from different providers of crisis response services including 911, 988, and MCRT
    • Subcommittee agreed to keep the new clarifying sentence about data repetition.
  • Action 2: Conduct a gap analysis and develop recommendations for comprehensive operational and evaluation data metrics
    • Subcommittee agreed to keep the new clarifying sentence about Phase 2 of the pilots.
    • Question from Rick Manthy about differentiating between the person requiring assistance and a third party, for 911 and 988:
  • Brent Reynolds: For 911, that would be challenging. In most situations, we don't engage long enough to be ablet to tell that.
  • Subcommittee agreed to take out the differentiation for 911 and keep for 988.
    • Question from Cindy Barbera-Brelle about the use and definitions of mental health/behavioral health (MH/BH) throughout the report:
  • Lee Ann: We should use BH even though BH is problematic because it can be inferred that the behavior is the fault of the person so in the BH world, many people object to that being the overall term because there could be other issues leading to it, and it's experienced as a judgmental term. We should stay true to what's in CESSA and define it.
  • Mary Smith: I think it makes sense to go with BH but we might be able to break things out further with the protocols. Like if we think its co-occurring with substance use, the protocols link that. So BH might be the way to go for the report.
  • Lee Ann Reinert (in the chat): Definition from the legislation, would propose using this as the behavioral health definition: any health condition involving changes in thinking, emotion, or behavior, and that the medical community treats as distinct from physical health care.
  • Subcommittee agreed to use BH instead of MH/BH.
  • Action 3: Describe necessary improvements for data to be used for monitoring and evaluating Illinois' crisis continuum
    • Only grammatical and slight word choice changes
  • Action 4: Develop and approve Sample Reports
    • Only grammatical and slight word choice changes
  • Action 5: Develop recommendations to support the operational procedures for communicating between 911 and 988
    • Subcommittee agreed to combine recommendations 1 and 2.
  • Subcommittee agreed to include a conclusion to address fiscal implementations. Action 6: Develop recommendations to support the operational procedures for communicating between 988 and MCRT
    • Suggestion from the survey to include a way for 988 Lifeline Call Centers (LCCs) to map the callers location.
    • Rick Manthy: Is there a way for 988 LCCs to track where the transfers are coming from or know where the caller is, for police or fire to know where it's coming from? How are 988 LCCs currently know which MCRT to call?
    • Mary Smith: This is what could be addressed with a centralized dispatch system so the centralized dispatch agency knows where the MCRTs are and the person experiencing crisis.
    • Lee Ann Reinert: Currently, DMH provides the 988 LCCs with a spreadsheet that tells them which geographic area is covered by which MCRT. It changes from time to time, it is a requirement of the grants that they work with us on their coverage area. It's not a map. This is a function that we'd want to see centralized dispatch able to do down the road. For the 988 LCCs, what we need to focus on with them is their protocols for how to determine where the person is. If we have a centralized dispatch, then the 988 LCC staff isn't going to dispatch the MCRT, the centralized dispatch will. There's nothing in the 988 technology that allows them to see where the person is, they only know if a person tells them.
    • Subcommittee agreed not to include Rick's suggestion, but instead to add a sentence that addresses the need for 988 LCCs to have a process in place to identify the location of the caller.
  • Action 7: Develop recommendations for technical systems and infrastructure necessary to facilitate and automate data collection, including implementation
    • Subcommittee agreed to add a clarifying sentence between the two systems before Actions 7 and 8.
  • Action 8: Develop recommendations for technical systems and infrastructure necessary to facilitate and automate contact transfers, including implementation
    • Suggestion to include data from IDPH
    • Rick Manthy: This is more for the patience care reporting and seeing how we can get more information on the EMS side. When they are entering their reports, they have a centralized location where it's all brought it. I'm not sure it's even possible but it's just something I wanted to bring to the group to see if its something we should look into including.
    • Rick Manthy: When you're entering a patience care report, it triggers different questions and answers based on the chief complaint. So if it's BH incident, is there a way to trigger a question in the EMS system to see if 988 was used for the patient?
    • Mary Smith: So a future proposal that EMS system and PCR integrate BH issues.
    • Lee Ann Reinert: I wonder if we need to explicitly state that these are the recommendations at this point in time with the system as it is and what we expect it to be, but as it evolves, there may be additional opportunities for other data points down the road.
    • Subcommittee agreed to add a clarifying sentence to address Lee Ann's suggestion and not to mention patient care reports at this time.
  • Appendices: New Appendix added that includes the data collection plan for the pre-tests and pilots. Subcommittee had no issues.

Next steps for the report:

  • Mary Smith: There is not a mandate, but we are trying to document the work and have the recommendations that were asked for. These recommendations are important in terms of pre-tests and pilots but not legislatively mandated.
  • Lee Ann Reinert: I am fine with waiting so as to not ask you to accept my edits as is.
  • Brent Reynolds: I'd ask everyone to be prepared to vote on June 17th.

Next Meetings:

Monday, June 17, 2024, 2:00-3:30 pm

* Lee Ann Reinert: June 17th is the last one scheduled currently. We will discuss next steps at that meeting. We can't reconvene subcommittees of the SAC until we have statutory approval. Whenever we have Open Meetings, they will be on Open Meetings page.

Public Comment:

  • Susan Schafer: In my feedback, I did acknowledge the committee's seriousness and dedication in doing this work.
  • Jessica Gimeno: I was really happy to attend these meetings as well and appreciate everyone's hard work. The report talks about procedures for 911 to 988 and 988 to MCRT but there's also some jurisdictions that dispatch MCRT from 911 centers. Some examples are the Arukah Insitute, Will County, and CDPH. It may be helpful to have an action about protocols from 911 to MCRT. I also suggested adding a performance indicator for times where restraints were used.
  • Jim Kaitschuk: I had a question for Jessica. For the other crisis response, are those 590 MCRT or are they co-responders?
    • Jessica Gimeno: I'd have to look through my notes. Will County is a 590 model, not a co-responder.
    • Jim Kaitschuk: I wasn't aware of anyone being dispatched by 911 that's a MCRT.
    • Lee Ann Reinert: In Will County, Will County is the 590 grantee as well. When we first offered the grants for 590, we were trying to build up the MCRT capacity. We don't want to dismantle anything that exists. If there is a community where 911 and MCRT talk, we wouldn't tell them to stop doing that.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Brent Reynolds, seconded by Lee Ann Reinert. No opposition. Meeting adjourned by Brent Reynolds at 3:20 pm.