Revised Administrative Rule 2060 Open Public Comment

Revised Administrative Rule 2060 Open Public Comment

Director Laura Garcia is pleased to announce that the revision to Illinois Administrative Code, Title 77: Public Health Chapter: Department of Human Services, Subchapter d: Licensure Part 2060, Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Treatment and Intervention Licenses (commonly referred to as Administrative Rule, Part 2060) is ready for public comment and formal adoption.

This proposed new rule will replace the current Part 2060 which establishes minimum requirements for substance use disorder intervention and treatment licenses and the standards for clinical care. The primary purpose for this revision is to update outdated and stigmatizing language, incorporate current practice, address workplace shortages, and reduce administrative burden.

The first step in the adoption process is to publish the document for first notice which then initiates a 45-day open public comment period.  If you plan to submit comments, please specify the name and number of each referenced section, as applicable, or indicate if your feedback is related to content throughout the administrative rule. Please also share your name, phone, and email so we can follow up and seek clarification, if necessary. Comments may also be submitted in support of the rule revision and recommending its adoption.