IMHPAC: Child and Adolescent Subcommittee Approved Minutes: 02/08/2024

Meeting Minutes - February 08, 2024 - 2:00 pm via WebEx

Approved by member on April 11, 2024

Members-Michelle Churchey-Mims, Chris O'Hara, Ray Connor, Michael Davis, Shirley Davis, Amy Starin, Emily LeFew

Public- DeeAnn Ryan, Tracy Cooper,

DMH staff-Lisa Betz

  • Attendance, call to order-12:31p
  • Review and approval of minutes -unanimous approval of minutes.
  • Overview of committee goals, mission & time frames Raise up children's issues and advise DMH and IMHPAC committee.
  • Updates from Outside Meetings related to Children's Mental Health, updates from other IMHPAC committee meetings.
  • New Business-Announced release of ARPA funding to support intensive community-based services including Intensive Homebased and other Pathways services as well as ACT, CST and Violence Prevention CST services.
  • Old Business/Updates-Reviewed the recommendations provided to Director Albert. Lisa gave updates and the committee discussed. This will be a standing agenda item:
    • Practicewise-Increase awareness of and access to PracticeWise and support PracticeWise training: information was sent out to provider network about availability and how to access. Recommendations to include other stakeholders in the CMH system-i.e. ISBE and DCFS. It was noted that some of the training material in Pathways is from Practicewise.
    • Provide mechanisms to fund behavioral parent training interventions in traditional and non-traditional child serving settings: Exploring with BH Workforce Center
    • Increase access to flex funds: Discussed FSP funding and how that approval process goes through federal CMS, potential for 708 funding.
    • Support access to web and app based SEL resources: Lisa shared information on the School-based MH page, discussed Project Aware. IDHS: Welcome to the School Based Mental Health Database (
    • Support outcomes measurement using change sensitive client focused measures that can be electronically/automatically scored-discussed limitation of IMCANs, looking for youth/family friendly open access tools.
    • Create mechanisms to fund outreach & engagement expenses. While CCBHC rate structure could support outreach and engagement activities, this is a longer-term solution.
    • Provide mechanisms to fund dedicated supervision time for the purpose of enhancing the confidence and competence of the CMH workforce: BH workforce Center, several pieces of legislation to provide funding for dedicated supervision time.
  • Lisa shared additional updates:. Lisa Betz shared information on DMH work on BEACON and hiring staff to support. 3 Resource Coordinators will be the first touch point with families, 3-5 Clinical Specialists will support families who are requesting assistance in seeking higher levels of care. 1 will focus on Internalizing Behaviors, 1 on Developmental Disabilities/Neurodiverse, and 1 on JJ involved or Disruptive behaviors. Lisa also shared information on updated databases and plans to identify providers across the state who would be interested in receiving information about CMH topics.
  • Vote on previously proposed measures- n/a
  • Review of next steps-n/a
  • Public comments-n/a
  • Upcoming Meetings:
    • The committee meets virtually on the second Thursday of even months from 12:30-1:30p. Next meeting 4/11/24
  • Adjourned: 1:34 p.m.