Public Narrative News Stories April 22, 2024

The  is a supporter, and funder of this initiative. Managed by @publicnarrative (a Healing Illinois Grantee), five local news outlets were tasked with producing impactful news coverage of segregation in Chicago. News outlets retained complete autotomy over their stories. Look for the stories to publish on Monday, April 22. @borderless_mag; The Chicago Defender, @chicagonewsweekly; @raceandequityproject; @southsideweekly Here are the dates for the individual episodes:

The Field Foundation has teamed up with Public Narrative to empower five local news outlets to delve deep into the issue of segregation in Chicago. These impactful stories, produced autonomously by each outlet, are set to publish on Monday, April 22.

Keep an eye out for articles from Borderless Magazine, The Chicago Defender, Chicago News Weekly, Race and Equity Project, and South Side Weekly. Join Public Narrative for the revealing series "Shame of Chicago," where we'll explore the realities of segregation in our city. Stay tuned for eye-opening insights and thought-provoking discussions!

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