WAG 14-06-05.
Each time a minor grantee reports a change in living arrangement, review eligibility under the live-at-home policy. For minor grantees who do not meet the live-at-home requirement for their 6 month period, review their living arrangement every time
you have contact with them.
If the client moves to an acceptable living arrangement, assign a new adult payee (RPT), if appropriate.
If the client becomes exempt from live-at-home policy, obtain verification of the exemption.
If the client's new living arrangement no longer meets the live-at-home requirement, determine if the client has received TANF for 6 months without meeting the requirement or being exempt from it. If so, the client remains eligible for the remainder
of the 6-month period.
If the new living arrangement causes the case to be ineligible for cash, swap the case to Medical Only.