CESSA - Region 7 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 12/21/2023

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 7 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes - December 21, 2023 - 9:00 - 10:30 AM via Zoom

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 3/21/2024

  • Welcome & Call to Order - CESSA Region 7 Advisory Membership Committee
    • Dr. Dave Mikolajczak (Chair) called the meeting to order at 9:05 am
    • Attendees: Dr. Sharronne Ward (Co-Chair), Candace Gunby, Kristi DeLaurentiis, Chief Robert, Kopec, Alyssa Marrero, Matthew Fishback, Chief Mitchell Davis, Chief Marc Maton, Anthony Marzano, Marianne Bithos, Ryan Dillon, Sarah White, Whitney Bunts, Bonnie Hasan, Kevin Bernard
    • Absent - Jeffery Carey, Douglas Jones, Dr. Leodis Scott
    • State representative: Brenda Hampton - UIC (HUB)
    • Guest - Kaprinta Marek (590)
  • Open Meetings Act
    • Dr. Dave reviewed the Illinois Open Meetings Act.
  • Approval of the Minutes from the previous meeting
    • Dr. Dave motioned to approve the November minutes with the RAC, and Dr. Sharonne Ward tendered the vote. A unanimous decision was made by the RAC to approve them.
  • State Updates:
    • Brenda Hampton - UIC HUB:
    1. 988 Work Group completed a three-month action plan including vetting with the State (Dec 14, 2023), should be presented to the State no later than end of December 2023.
    2. Strengthening and transforming the crises care continuum - Healthcare crises vs DMH competing / overlapping operations to be consolidated and processes shared with the Health Providers, consumers, and the Office of Medicaid innovations.
    3. Completed CESSA quarterly report will be submitted January 01, 2024.
    • Action Plan Implementation Timeline (Brenda Hampton UIC HUB):
      • Proposed New RAC Workplan: (See RAC 7 Presentation Slides for more details)
        • The State discussed with the RAC Co-Chairs the Regional Vendor Subcommittees
          • PowerPhone
          • Priority Dispatch
          • APCO
          • Independents - RAC 7 (Will County)
    • Protocol Vendors and Timelines: Cindy Barbera-Brelle Presented by Brenda Hampton
      • PowerPhone Update: Multiple meetings between the BH Crisis Hub Staff, Protocol and Standards Chair and expert consultants.
  1. Agreement to process state partners to draft additional questions.
  2. Changes addressed and response submitted by January 2024.
  3. Inclusion of licensed clinicians, PSAP expert consultant and person with lived experience to be addressed.
  4. Upon approval of changes PSAPS will submit requested changes. Time frame is 4 to 5 months.
  5. One PSAP will serve as a test site to "beta test" changes.
  6. Training will occur prior to PSAP "go live" dates.
  7. Anticipated timeline addresses for fully funded Total response PowerPhone vendors.
    • (See RAC 7 Presentation Slides for additional details)
  • RAC statements, questions & Comments
  • Dr. Dave - (EMD) acknowledged that the doctors are onboard and commented on the IDPH, Fire and LE integration and communication. He also mentioned that EMS protocols should be similar across the dispatch centers.
  • Kaprinta Marek - Acknowledged two personnel 590 visits to Will County facility 1. Trinity 2. Will County
  • Marrianne Bithos - Commented about data collected to assess the 988 response outcomes. Are agencies collecting and reporting follow-up care after a 988 call?
    • Brenda Hampton - Response Level 1 = 988 has no technology to receive 911 data via PowerPhone (state is working this issue). 988 transfers to 590 is sensitive and professional interface / training is required. This issue is currently at the state level for discussion. Brenda responded that Virginia and Arizona have a 911 / 988 dispatch call center that would be worth replicating for Illinois.
  • Kristi DeLaurentiis - Commented into inclusiveness of 988 and 911 to the state during beta testing for the Independents.
    • Anthony Marzano - commented on Beta test i.e., scripts and protocols: Production, Training, Staging and Disaster Recovery A CAD version is in use with Motorola and will be compared with PowerPhone before a software / hardware roll out. EMD Protocol: PowerPhone not 988 transfers from 911, only for EMD scripting. Dispatching may ultimately lead to transfer technology. Scott from Mr.Marzano facility is able to facilitate a PowerPhone software at a future CESSA RAC 7 Meeting (TBD).
    • Anthony Marzano - Commented about 988 /911 technology integration i.e., EMD writing decision logic protocols for proper classification (where do the calls fall within the 4-step IRLM classification?). Also, 988 redirects a 10-digit number and lacks 911 supplemental tracking data i.e., location, questionable data retention. And what is the status of the 988 vs 590 technology alignment?
    • Matt Fishback - Commented about the 911 / 988 nationwide call transfer system, i.e., what are the FCC and Vibrant requirements.
    • Chief Mitchel Davis - Offered the Hazel Crest facility to serve as a "pilot test center" to
    • Craig Kowalski for related technologies (Hazel Crest has a consolidated dispatch center).
    • Craig Kowalski mentioned a feasibility study to be concluded after January 2025 with an increase to 13,400 sf from 10,500sf following the merger.
  • Public Comments: None
  • Next Meeting Date: Thursday, January 18, 2024, via Zoom (9:00am - 10:30am) CST
  • Adjournment - 10:15 Motioned by Anthony Marzano and Second by Kristi DeLaurentis