CESSA - Region 1 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 02/21/2024

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 1 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes- February 21, 2024 - 2:00 PM

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 03/20/2024

  1. Open Meetings Act
    • These meetings will be subject to Open Meetings Act.
    • A copy of the agendas and meeting minutes will be posted to the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Mental Health Open Meetings Page.
  2. Call to Order/Approval of Minutes
    • Meeting called to order at 8:02 am by Stacie Kemp.
    • Previous Meeting minutes were approved for January 17th, 2024.
  3. Members Present:
    • Via web-based Teams: Muhammad M. Shareef, Stacie Kemp, Jason Holcomb, Eric Brown, Christopher Scrol, Jonathon Larson, Dave Lohse, Jason Leverton, Yemilei Shroeder, Joan Lodge, Heather Butler, Nicole Weathersby
    • Absent- Deanna Cada, Danielle Angileri, Brandon Lieber, Joshua Ray Lewis, Elizabeth Russel
  4. DMH Updates
    • No State updates provided due to Brenda Hampton's absence.
  5. Pilot Work Plan
    • Stacie Kemp discussed:
    • Updates on the Pilot Work Plan.
    • All updates are highlighted in red that align with the items and the feedback from Co chairs.
    • Received the training outlines.
    • The Committee has been asked to identify which two PSAP's would pilot now opposed to waiting until they see the protocols.
      • This discussion will continue via email since the next workgroup meeting is not until mid-March.
    • Training Plan
    • Three training plans identified:
      • Eric Brown discussed: section missing with interacting with folks who have physical disabilities.
      • Concerns with the content of the training plans and the need for examples of the content sent to members.
      • Heather Butler mentioned that the content of the training plans has not been completely built.
      • Eric Brown suggested encouraging a section specifically around ableism.
      • Encourage that these training plans come back to the group for review and to sign off.
      • The Committee discussed UIC behavioral health crisis hub providing the training for the 590 program and the possibility of it overlapping training already being provided.
      • Costs that will be required for the training and how it will affect the budgets.
      • A question was brought up about training and interacting with on-scene law enforcement and EMS?
        • Heather Butler discussed that there is a need for this and that is the missing component in the training plans.
        • The committee would like a push to the State that training is including law enforcement and EMS.
  6. The committee discussed topics raised in the Pilot Group.
    • Heather Butler discussed:
      • Some counties seem separated, and some counties interact more.
        • Dekalb County possibly host a workshop to bring everyone together across the region.
          • Who to include:
            • Mental Health personnel, EMS coordinators, medical directors, 590 groups, 911 Community, law enforcement and 988 centers.
  7. The Committee discussed identifying two pilots:
    • Heather Butler to discuss with Dekalb County and City of Dekalb and see if either or both prefer to move forward.
    • Ogle County is more willing to move forward than Boone. Needs to be discussed with Brittany at Ogle.
      • Will this be the entire Ogle County and or Rochelle? Heather to discuss with Brittany.
  8. Questions from Committee:
    • Heather Butler discussed Companion bill, Senate bill and House bill to extend the date to 2025.
    • House bill 5377 to expand the RAC Co Chair position to be a non-EMS Medical Director.
  9. Next Meeting: March 20, 2024 at 8:00am. Subsequent meetings will be held at 8:00am on the third Wednesday of each month at 8:00am through June 2024.

10. Public Comments: None

11. Dismissal: Meeting was adjourned at 8:49am.