Change in Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) Pay-To-Address in the Illinois Medicaid Program Advanced Cloud Technology (IMPACT) System

A CMHC organization wanting to change the Pay-To-Address linked to all site enrollments in IMPACT, operating under the organization's single Employer Identification Number (EIN)/Tax Identification Number (TIN), must carry out the following steps. A CMHC organization is not able to modify the Pay-To-Address linked to any site enrollment in IMPACT as varying Pay-To-Addresses for a single EIN/TIN are not allowed. The IMPACT System only allows for a single Pay-To-Address per EIN/TIN.

If questions or in need of assistance with the process, contact the IMPACT Help Desk at  or 877-782-5565 - Option: 1, 2 & 1

1. Notify IMPACT Help Desk

Written notification of the change in Pay-To-Address must be submitted to the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) IMPACT Help Desk at  The notification must be on office letterhead, signed by someone in authority from the organization, and include the:

  • Employer Identification Number (EIN)/Tax Identification Number (TIN) of the CSP organization
  • Current Pay-To-Address
  • New Pay-To-Address
  • NPI numbers for all enrolled sites operating under the Organizational EIN/TIN
  • Primary contact name and title
  • Primary contact mailing address, email address and telephone number

If the address listed on the previous W-9 submitted to the Illinois State Comptroller for EIN/TIN certification needs to be updated, a new W-9 should be submitted along with the notification. "Change of Address" should be written across the top of the W-9.

2. IMPACT System Updated

HFS-Provider Enrollment (PE) Unit shall update the IMPACT System to reflect the new Pay-To-Address for all enrollments operating under the organization's EIN/TIN. The organization shall receive a systematically generated email from the IMPACT System, for each enrollment, signifying the transaction being completed.