PM 03-01-04-d
Verify the following:
- Applicant is a resident of Illinois.
- Applicant is 65 years old or older. Self-attestation is acceptable if the customer's age cannot be verified electronically.
- Applicant has a noncitizen status that does not meet the criteria for Federal Medicaid. (See PM 03-01-00: Citizen/USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) Status).
Eligibility for HBIS is determined in the same manner as AABD based on age, however HBIS is not eligible for spend down. See WAG 06-36-00 Health Benefits for Immigrant Seniors (HBIS) for more information.
Individuals may be concurrently eligible for Emergency Medical for Noncitizens, and the application may be processed within the same case number, although there will be different medical EDGs. See PM 06-05-00: Emergency Medical for Noncitizens Who Do Not Meet the Federal Qualifying Medicaid Criteria.
Example: Mr. Heinz, age 70, an undocumented individual, has an ongoing HBIS medical EDG. He has an automobile accident on 03/05/xx and receives treatment in the emergency room. He completes a new application and a HFS 3801. Register the new application or program add to the existing HBIA case. Both medical programs can be on the same case. CAU determines that he received treatment for an emergency medical condition. Leave the original HBIA medical EDG active. Process the new application for this incident. If determined eligible for emergency medical, enter 03/05/xx as the Circumstances Start/Change Date and the End Date based on the CAU decision.