CESSA - Region 1 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 01/17/2024

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 1 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes- January 17, 2024 - 2:00 PM

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 02/21/2024

  1. Open Meetings Act
    • These meetings will be subject to Open Meetings Act.
    • A copy of the agendas and meeting minutes will be posted to the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Mental Health Open Meetings Page.
  2. Call to Order/Approval of Minutes
    • Meeting called to order at 8:02 am by Stacie Kemp.
    • Previous Meeting minutes were approved for December 20th, 2023.
  3. Members Present:
    • Via web-based Teams: Muhammad M. Shareef, Stacie Kemp, Jason Holcomb, DeAnna Cada, Eric Brown, Danielle Angileri, Jonathon Larson, Davie Lohse, Joan Lodge, Heather Butler, Elizabeth Russell
    • Absent- Christopher Scrol, Brandon Lieber, Jason Leverton, Joshua Lewis, Yemilei Shroeder
  4. DMH Updates
    • Asantewaa Darkwa discussed:
    • Crisis Hub and meeting with Power Phone
      • Discussing changing and updating their protocols to include mental/ behavioral health.
      • Conversations have begun with priority dispatch as well.
    • SAC meeting in person February 13th from 10:00am-12:00pm
      • Virtual option available as well.
  5. Pilot Work Plan
    • Stacie Kemp discussed:
      • The work group had its first meeting.
        • Work group members include:
          • Stacie Kemp- Sinnissippi
          • Katie Hazek- Sinnissippi
          • Joan Lodge- Rosecrance
          • Brittany Carls- Ogle County
          • Heather Butler- Dekalb County
          • Pam Luczak- Boone County
          • Brenda Hampton- UIC
          • Dr. Shareef- EMS Regional Director
    • Slight changes have been made to the timeline and further information about what the Protocols and Standards subcommittee is doing versus what our work group would be charged with doing.
      • Everything highlighted in red has been updated.
        • The work group discussed the importance of involving representation from associated EMD and EMS regions along with law enforcement and EMS.
        • The committee has representation from the counties on the work group and needs to see what the proposed changes are before making recommendations.
        • The work group starts with discussing the counties and which ones specifically want to pilot first.
        • Once the proposed changes are available and reviewed, they plan to invite some key informants.
      • Standards and Protocols is working with Power Phone and pilot sites regarding progress, expected outcomes and projected timelines.
      • Meeting with the Pilot sites to review the information by the committee.
        • This is planned to be worked on in at February work group meeting.
        • The RAC's will provide updates on the implementation of modified Power Phone protocols with the pilot and working with the Standards and Protocols work group.
        • Check in with the PSAP's and evaluate any changes in support and training.
        • Review the data collection plan.
      • Original date of completion was June 1 and has now been pushed back a bit in some areas to July.
  6. The committee discussed representatives for each County and who needs to be involved.
  7. Next Steps:
    • The work group is waiting to see the changes that are recommended.
      • The work group is being charged with reviewing and discussing with the EMS program managers.
      • Discussing any community specific changes that would need to occur in process as it relates to specific resources that the community has.
    • Asantewaa discussed:
      • The state asks that the ones that are not the pilot continue to be involved to ensure they know what's going on when the committee is ready to work with them.
      • Brenda Hampton will be asking if there is a copy of the power points from the subcommittee meetings for review.
  8. Questions from Committee:
    • None
  9. Next Meeting: Wednesday 2-21-2024 at 8:00am. Subsequent meetings will be held at 8:00am on the third Wednesday of each month at 8:00am through June 2024.

10. Public Comments:

11. Dismissal: Meeting was adjourned at 8:21am.