FY25 Change by Program - All Funds

Program CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request % Change from Est.
Blind Rehabilitation Services $9,566.9 $125.0 $9,691.9 $205.4 $9,897.3 2.1%
Centers for Independent Living $12,858.9 $0.0 $12,858.9 $0.0 $12,858.9 0.0%
Central Support & Clinical $60,302.2 $147.6 $60,449.8 $114.4 $60,564.2 0.2%
Children's Residential & Education Services $38,242.5 $3,017.2 $41,259.7 $772.9 $42,032.6 1.9%
Developmental Disability Grants $2,292,454.4 $0.0 $2,292,454.4 $144,800.0 $2,437,254.4 6.3%
Developmental Disability Operations $388,003.9 $41,070.0 $429,073.9 $21,676.4 $450,750.3 5.1%
DHS Operations & Grants $310,590.0 ($70,000.0) $240,590.0 $41,500.0 $282,090.0 17.2%
Disability Determination Services $119,341.8 $0.0 $119,341.8 $9,986.6 $129,328.4 8.4%
Early Childhood Grants $3,675,450.4 ($470,000.0) $3,205,450.4 $294,500.0 $3,499,950.4 9.2%
Early Childhood Operations $3,478.3 $0.0 $3,478.3 ($91.4) $3,386.9 -2.6%
Family & Community Services Grants $2,132,666.7 ($341,619.0) $1,791,047.8 $798,357.1 $2,589,404.9 44.6%
Family & Community Services Operations $446,814.5 $38,650.1 $485,464.6 $3,695.3 $489,159.9 0.8%
Home Services Program $1,080,959.3 $71,035.0 $1,151,994.3 $121,002.6 $1,272,996.9 10.5%
IHDA Program and Support $732,750.0 ($251,778.9) $480,971.1 $21,557.8 $502,528.9 4.5%
Inspector General $10,334.9 $500.0 $10,834.9 $1,804.7 $12,639.6 16.7%
Intergovernmental Support Services $200,042.6 $7,000.0 $207,042.6 ($29,710.3) $177,332.3 -14.3%
Legislative Initiatives for DHS $403,145.8 ($266,194.6) $136,951.2 $171,041.4 $307,992.6 124.9%
Management Information Services $14,198.5 $0.0 $14,198.5 $0.0 $14,198.5 0.0%
Mental Health Grants $511,974.4 $0.0 $511,974.4 $18,433.3 $530,407.7 3.6%
Mental Health Operations $328,762.7 $135.0 $328,897.7 $9,829.0 $338,726.7 3.0%
Program and Administrative Support $161,690.4 $4,025.0 $165,715.4 $25,941.4 $191,656.8 15.7%
Sexually Violent Persons Program $50,981.5 $6,110.0 $57,091.5 $4,374.6 $61,466.1 7.7%
Substance Use Prevention and Recovery $628,034.0 ($14,814.9) $613,219.1 ($30,771.6) $582,447.5 -5.0%
Vocational Rehab Services $229,453.2 $0.0 $229,453.2 $19,883.4 $249,336.6 8.7%
Totals $13,842,097.8 ($1,242,592.5) $12,599,505.3 $1,648,903.1 $14,248,408.4 13.1%