FY25 GRF Walk-Up

Category subtotals Amounts (Thousands)
GRF FY24 Enacted Appropriations $6,629,591.9
FY24 Supplemental Needs
Welcoming Center - continued support for new arrivals $35,000.0
Child Care Assistance Program - restores FY24 transfer to support services to new arrivals $30,000.0
AFSCME & Other Union agreements $100,000.0
TANF Benefits, including costs of Victims of Trafficking, Torture, or Other Serious Crimes $60,000.0
Facility Contractual Staff - GRF pickup of ARPA funded $30,000.0
Home Services Program Liability projected shortfall $71,000.0
IES Cost to operate Federal SNAP/Summer EBT - GRF pickup $8,000.0
DoIT Transition - Cost to fund retirement and health insurance for DoIT staff $9,000.0
TDF Contractual and Conditional Release Shortfall $4,000.0
Human Services Loan Repayment Legislative Add-on move to ISAC -$250.0
FY24 Appropriations with Supplemental Request $6,976,341.9
FY24 Legislative Add-ons - unexpended balances will be appropriated from Fund for Illinois Futures in FY25 -$173,352.7
SUPR Rightsizing - due to lower SUPR funded liability (result of shift to MCOs funded by HFS) -$15,000.0
FY24 Estimated Spending with Supplemental Request $6,787,989.2
Developmental Disabilities
Ligas Annualization - Supports 630 PUNS placements $13,600.0
Ligas New Placements - Supports 630 PUNS placements $16,500.0
Annualization of $2.50 DSP Wage Increase 1/1/24 ($19.50/$22.43) - full cost $100M ($70.0M GRF and $30.0M Other state funds) $70,000.0
Home & Community Based Waiver - CPI increase $11,700.0
Annualization of Children's Home Based FY24 500 PUNS placements $4,000.0
Family & Community Services
TANF Liability Growth $7,400.0
Welcoming Center - Welcoming with Dignity Initiative $49,400.0
Home Illinois federal pickup and new investments $50,000.0
Reimagine Public Safety GRF Pick-up of ARPA funds $10,000.0
AABD Liability Growth $2,000.0
New Grant Program Converting Former Shelters to Community Centers $5,000.0
Diaper Assistance Pilot Program $1,000.0
Early Childhood
Early Intervention Liability Growth $6,000.0
Child Care Estimated Liability Growth $36,500.0
SMART Start Workforce Grants GRF Pickup of ARPA $110,000.0
SMART Start Quality Support Contracts GRF Pickup of ARPA $10,000.0
SMART Start Early Childhood Apprentice Program GRF Pickup of ARPA $2,000.0
SMART Start Home Visiting Expansion $5,000.0
Mental Health
Williams Consent Decree New Transition Housing $2,700.0
Colbert Consent Decree New Transition Housing $3,000.0
GRF pickup of ARPA funds supporting Crisis Services and Housing is Recovery $10,333.3
Jail Based Forensic Pilot $3,000.0
Adjustment to NAMI Grant to FY23 Level -$600.0
Rehabilitation Services
Home Services FY24 Annualization and FY25 Caseload Growth $116,000.0
DHS Operations
Annualization of FY24 AFSCME Steps and COLA & FY25 Steps & COLA $46,000.0
SOFs Contractual Staffing GRF pickup of ARPA $11,500.0
IES Maintenance $18,000.0
IT Upgrades/Refresh $2,000.0
DoIT Transition - funding included in DoIT Budget Request -$52,210.3
IDHS Facility Transformation Initiatives $20,000.0
Adjustment to Access to Justice Programs to FY23 Levels -$5,000.0
Vehicle Purchases shift from CMS to IDHS $2,500.0
Discontinuation of the FY24 New Arrivals funding for Counties and Municipalities -$42,500.0
Reduction of estimated FY24 expenditures of legislative add-on appropriations -$51,232.0
Department of Human Services General Revenue Fund Governor's Proposed $7,281,580.2