CESSA Statewide Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 12/11/23

Approved by Committee Members 2/13/2024

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Statewide Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes - Monday, December 11, 2023 - 1:00 pm-3:00 pm via WebEx

Call to Order/Roll Call:   

  • Meeting called to order by IDHS/DMH Director David Albert at 1:03 pm. 
  • Approval of November Minutes:  Brent Reynolds presented a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Shelley Dallas. All present members approved the November minutes.
  • Members Present: David Albert, Bobby Van Bebber (Designee for Ashley Thoele), Cindy Barbera-Brelle, Shelley Dallas, Brent Reynolds, Drew Hansen, Rick Manthy, Emily Miller, Pooja Nagpal, Jessica Gimeno (Designee for Candace Coleman), Curtis Harris
  • Members Absent: Jim Kaitschuk, Rachel Ahart, Blanca Campos
  • Lee Ann Reinert reviewed procedures of the Open Meetings Act and meeting logistics.

Statewide Updates - Lee Ann Reinert:

  • The state is moving forward with the 988 SAMSHA grant. There will be a targeted public messaging coming in the future
  • Public Comment from Dana Craig
    • Provided specific recommendations on how to communicate with the population of Deaf who uses sign language and the Hard of Hearing who use captioned phone to communicate
    • This comment will be forwarded in its entirety to the Protocols and Standards subcommittee to they can review the recommendations
  • Public Comment: IRLM: There were multiple emails concerning possible changes to the IRLM.
    • Response: We referred the issue to Protocols and Standards subcommittee. Protocols and Standards voted and approved the following:
      • To amend the IRLM to include co-response as a option in Risk Level 4
      • SAC will initiate a review the IRLM no later than 6 months after the implementation of two or more pilots by PSAPS utilizing PowerPhone, Priority Dispatch, and APCO or Independents.
  • Legislative Workgroup:
    • Please contact Lee Ann and Melissa through the DMH CESSA email inbox if you would like to be a part of this workgroup as a SAC member.
  • Update from Cindy Barbera-Brelle: Protocols and Standards committee has done work with PowerPhone and starting with Priority Dispatch. I think it's important that the IRLM stays as is until we have some data.
    • Motion from Cindy Barbera-Brelle: I am asking that the SAC approve the Protocols and Standards vote which amended the IRLM to include co-response as an option in Risk Level 4, and that the SAC will initiate a review no later than 6 months after the implementation of 2 or more pilots of PSAPS that are using PowerPhone, Priority Dispatch, APCO, or an independent PSAP.
      • Seconded by Brent Reynolds
      • Comment from Shelley Dallas that Protocols and Standards amended Risk Level 4 not Risk Leve 1. Minutes updated.
      • All present members approved the motion.
      • Members Present: David Albert, Bobby Van Bebber (Designee for Ashley Thoele), Cindy Barbera-Brelle, Shelley Dallas, Brent Reynolds, Drew Hansen, Rick Manthy, Rachel Ahart, Michelle Churchey-Mims (Designee for Blanco Campos), Emily Miller, Pooja Nagpal, Jessica Gimeno (Designee for Candace Coleman), Curtis Harris
    • Members Absent: Jim Kaitschuk

Communication Plan - Sarah Ferguson:

  • This document and a non-exhaustive list of acronyms will be posted to the DMH and UIC Crisis Hub websites
  • Comment from Emily Miller: This is a good start for keeping the public informed and we want to stress that it is important to have a public messaging campaign for the general public to understand what these programs are
    • Response from Lee Ann Reinert: the 988 messaging isn't really about the state initiatives, so this isn't a full communication plan, that's still in development, so hopefully we have more to share on that next time
    • Response from David Albert: if you have ideas about the best way to get this information out, please share them with us.

Updates from the "Other Initiatives":

  • Office of Medicaid Innovation on behalf of Chief Jones - Carrie Muehlbauer provided an update on the NASHP behavioral health learning collaborative
  • Strengthening and Transforming the Behavioral Health Crisis Care Act implementation
    • Comment from Curtis Harris: When will it take effect?
    • Response from Lee Ann Reinert: The first meeting of the stakeholders is actually tomorrow

Discussion on Regional Advisory Committee Structure - Dr. Lorrie Jones:

  • We've faced some challenges and opportunities with our current structure and how we're organized to do the work. One of them has been leadership with the RACs and another is the upcoming pilot programs.
  • Recommended responsibilities for the new vendor subcommittees were discussed
  • We have discussed this with the regional co-chairs and they were on board, so we look forward to implementing these changes after Jan. 1, 2024
  • Comment from Curtis Harris: what will change?
    • Response from Lorrie Jones: the PSAPS will implement changes in their pilots.
  • Comment from Pooja Nagpal: I think this would be helpful to have this depicted in a diagram of how these actions lead into one another and how the subcommittees interact and what that process is. Something depicting the approval process would be helpful.
    • Response from Lorrie Jones: yes, we can work on that

Next Steps:

  • We are scheduled to next meet on Jan. 8, 2024
  • Motion by Brent Reynolds: We had a similar concern with our subcommittee I will do a motion to cancel Jan 8 meeting.
    • Seconded by Cindy Barbera-Brelle
    • Comment by Shelley Dallas: we do have our in person meeting scheduled in February. Do we have a meeting in January later in the month to prepare for the February meeting? I am in favor of skipping January but want it noted that means we won't meet again until we're in person.
    • Comment from Curtis Harris: if we need time for the stakeholders to gather information, let's wait until February.
    • All present members approved the motion.
    • Members Present: David Albert, Cindy Barbera-Brelle, Shelley Dallas, Brent Reynolds, Drew Hansen, Rachel Ahart, Rick Manthy, Blanco Campos, Emily Miller, Pooja Nagpal, Jessica Gimeno (Designee for Candace Coleman), Curtis Harris
    • Members Absent: Jim Kaitschuk, Bobby Van Bebber (Designee for Ashley Thoele)
  • Discussion about in person meeting:
    • Location - hosted by Brent Reynolds
      • The Village of Glenview Village Hall
      • 2500 East Lake Avenue, Glenview, IL 60026
    • Lee An Reinert: Is anyone opposed to a 10 am - 12 pm in person meeting on Feb 13? No opposition
  • The WebEx link is changing so there will be new links for 2024 from Melissa Guy and they will also be posted to Open Meetings Page

Public Comment

  • Comment from Pooja Nagpal: Can we have the most updated version of the IRLM sent out to all the SAC members?
    • Response Lee Ann Reinert: we can post it to the Open Meeting page and we can also email it with minutes to the members

Motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was moved by Curtis Harris.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:33 p.m.