CESSA - Region 1 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 12/20/2023

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 1 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes- Wednesday, December 20, 2023 - 2:00 PM

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 01/17/2024

  1. Open Meetings Act
    • These meetings will be subject to Open Meetings Act.
    • A copy of the agendas and meeting minutes will be posted to the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Mental Health Open Meetings Page.
  2. Call to Order/Approval of Minutes
    • Meeting called to order at 8:04 am by Stacie Kemp.
    • Previous Meeting minutes were approved for November 15th, 2023.
  3. Members Present:
    • Via web-based Teams: Stacie Kemp, Jason Holcomb, DeAnna Cada, Eric Brown, Danielle Angileri, Jonathon Larson, Yemilei Schroeder, Heather Butler, Elizabeth Russell, Brenda Hampton
    • Absent- Muhammad M. Shareef M.D., Christopher Scrol, Brandon Lieber, Dave Lohse, Jason Leverton, Joshua Lewis, Colette Mickelsen, Joan Lodge
  4. DMH Updates
    • Brenda Hampton discussed:
      • Mandated 988 workgroup
        • Workgroup was to look at the need for crisis continuum and it has completed the process, and the report plan has developed and submitted to the General Assembly at the end of the month.
      • Strengthening and transforming the Crisis Care Continuum
        • This group is looking at state partners and agencies that have similarities in terms of crisis services
        • Looking at how the funded resources can be consolidated and not be confusing for the providers and consumers.
      • Quarterly report on CESSA
        • Report has been written and submitted to DMH and going through steps of being vetted with state government.
        • Will be available for presentation to the General Assembly by beginning of January.
  5. Action point implementation timeline and project plan:
    • Stacie Kemp discussed:
      • SAC goal: Deflect as many 911 calls to 988/Program 590 as possible.
        • High level project plan that will be used as a working document to move that direction by June 30th.
    • What does it mean for the other PSAP's that are not using power phone or not part of the pilot?
      • Brenda Hampton:
        • Starting with the ones that are ready to make changes which is power phone, but will be working with all of the four venders as they come online.
        • Timeline is not specific as to when all vendors are ready to come to the table for discussion.
  6. Total Response Full Version vs. Standalone Version:
    • Stacie Kemp discussed:
      • The spreadsheet that identifies those that are currently using the Total Response full version and those that are currently Standalone Versions- not modifiable.
  7. Workgroup memebers:
    • Stacie confirmed:
      • Stacie Kemp- Sinnissippi
      • Katie Hazek- Sinnissippi
      • Joan Lodge- Rosecrance
      • Brittany Carls- Ogle County
      • Heather Butler- Dekalb County
      • Pam Luczak- Boone County
      • Brenda Hampton- UIC
      • Dr. Shareef- EMS Regional Director
  8. Proposed new RAC workplan:
    • Brenda Hampton discussed:
      • Workplan structure:
        • RAC Co-chairs are convening the regional vendor subcommittees.
        • The other three vendors will be folded into this
        • The importance of the EMS Medical director for the hospital's regional hospitals are part of this process because they invariably must approve the plan.
        • Both Fire and Law Enforcement would be the ambassadors
      • Protocol Changes:
        • In discussion with the vendors in terms of changes through the Standards and Protocol subcommittee
        • When there is time for training to occur, it will not be done by the RACs because we have to have standardized training statewide.
        • Standards and Protocol will work with Illinois State Police and the training component of the UIC crisis hub.
        • RACs train the 590 provides and Stands Committee is spearheading to ensure its standard across the entire state.
      • Brenda Hampton will be asking if there is a copy of the power points from the subcommittee meetings for review.
      • Action Plan Implementation timeline:
        • Brenda Hampton discussed a tracking tool that will be sent out to the RACs to benchmark timelines and the RACs can adjust where they are within the timeline.
        • The committee discussed some adjustments that may need to be made to the timeline.
        • The committee compared the Action Plan Implementation timeline versus the Workgroup members and identified missing key players that need to be added to the group. Will discuss further at first workgroup meeting.
          • EMS resource hospital directors for Boone, Dekalb and Ogle.
          • Law Enforcement
          • Fire
  9. Questions from Committee:
    • None
  10. Next Meeting: Wednesday 1-17-2024 at 8:00am. Subsequent meetings will be held at 8:00am on the third Wednesday of each month at 8:00am through June 2024.

11. Public Comments:

  • Dr. Smetana- EMS Medical Director for Mercy One:
    • Question for Brenda:
      • "You Mentioned that the EMS medical directors would be responsible for signing off on the protocols for the 590 responders. Would you just be able to expound on that?"
      • Brenda replied "Not for 590, for the script and protocol for the PSAP."

12. Dismissal: Meeting was adjourned at 8:41am.