DDD Supported Employment Program

Illinois Department of Human Services

Division of Developmental Disabilities

Information Bulletin


This Information Bulletin (IB) replaces DD.21.022 and DD.20.027 and supersedes all other previous IBs related to Division of Developmental Disabilities Supported Employment Program.


The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) seeks to expand and enhance opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) to engage in, and sustain, Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE). This IB provides updated guidance on the array of employment services and supports available to individuals with I/DD including access to, utilization of, sustained engagement in and periodic review of the DDD Supported Employment Program (SEP) as well as the nature of the collaborative relationship between DDD and the Division of Rehabilitation Services Vocational Rehabilitation (DRS VR) program.

Supported Employment Program

DDD SEP consists of ongoing services and supports that enable individuals with I/DD to maintain competitive employment, at integrated business locations, and in positions which align to the individual's qualifications, skills, interests and desires. Integrated business locations exhibit qualities of inclusion and participation of individuals with disabilities on an equal basis with those without disabilities.

Historically, DDD SEP has only been available to individuals who are recipients of the Adults with Developmental Disabilities Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Medicaid Waiver. Effective January 1, 2024, SEP services and supports became available to residents of Illinois State Operated Developmental Centers (SODC).

Eligibility Criteria

Individuals approved for the Adults with Developmental Disabilities HCBS Medicaid Waiver may access DDD SEP with prior approval.

Residents of Illinois State Operated Developmental Centers (SODC) may access DDD SEP SODC with prior approval.

Requests will only be considered for individuals who meet the criteria below.

Individuals utilizing the Adults with Developmental Disabilities HCBS Medicaid Waiver must:

  • be enrolled in the Adults with Developmental Disabilities HCBS Medicaid Waiver at the time of a New/Initial Request or Revalidation; and
  • require supportive services to work in an integrated employment environment; and
  • have a defined, related and ongoing/long term employment support need identified in his or her Personal Plan (Career and Income section); and
  • be currently employed, either individually or in group employment, at competitive wages and in an integrated setting; and
  • be supported within the proper ratio.

Current residents of Illinois State Operated Developmental Centers must:

  • reside in a State Operated Developmental Center at the time of a New/Initial Request or Revalidation; and
  • require supportive services to work in an integrated employment environment; and
  • have a defined, related and ongoing/long term employment support need identified in his or her Individual Support Plan (ISP); and
  • be currently employed, either individually or in group employment, at competitive wages and in an integrated setting; and
  • be supported within the proper ratio.

DDD SEP and DDD SEP SODC Request Categories

Requests for DDD SEP and DDD SEP SODC may be categorized as either "New/Initial" or "Revalidation".

New/Initial Requests:

  • may be submitted at the appropriate time, dependent on the type of request (Individual and or Group) once an eligible individual has obtained CIE; and
  • apply to eligible individuals who are currently employed and either:
    • never held a DDD SEP or DDD SEP SODC authorization in the past; or
    • had the DDD SEP or DDD SEP SDOC authorization deactivated.

Instituted in FY22, Revalidation is conducted on an annual basis to ensure the periodic review and collection of data associated with the nature and scope of employment services and supports.

Revalidation Requests:

  • will be solicited by DDD on an annual basis, within a timeframe specified and communicated by DDD; and
  • apply to eligible individuals who hold an active authorization for DDD SEP or DDD SEP SODC at the time of annual Revalidation.

Approval of Revalidation requests result in continued authorization of the applicable DDD SEP or DDD SEP SODC types (see below).

Revalidation requests which are incomplete, inaccurate or reflect activities which do not meet the threshold of CIE are subject to denial. In cases where a Revalidation request is subject to denial, the DDD Supported Employment Administrator will notify the requesting provider and as applicable, the Independent Service Coordination (ISC) agency, DDD Regions personnel and/or the SODC case manager. Failure to respond or remediate the issue(s) prior to the deadline for annual Revalidation will result in deactivation of the respective DDD SEP or DDD SEP SODC service and billing codes.

DDD SEP and DDD SEP SODC Request Types

Services and supports are requested and may be authorized on an Individual or Group basis. This includes both New/Initial and Revalidation. The following service and billing codes apply as of January 1, 2024:

DDD SEP Individual (Waiver Funded)

  • Service and Billing Code: 36U

DDD SEP SODC Individual

  • Service and Billing Code: 34U

Both DDD SEP Individual and DDD SEP SODC Individual New/Initial authorizations require successful closure from DRS VR within 90 days of request submission. DDD SEP Individual and DDD SEP SODC Individual and are 1:1 services (individual to staff ratio) with the same authorization maximums:

  • Annual: 300 Hours
  • Monthly: 50 Hours
  • Daily: 8 Hours

DDD SEP Large Group (Level 1 -Waiver Funded)

  • Service and Billing Code: 36G
  • Ratio: 1:4 to 1:6

DDD SEP Small Group (Level 2 - Waiver Funded)

  • Service and Billing Code: 33G
  • Ratio: 1:3 or fewer

DDD SEP SODC Large Group

  • Service and Billing Code: 34G
  • Ratio: 1:4 to 1:6

DDD SEP SODC Small Group

  • Service and Billing Code: 32G
  • Ratio: 1:3 or fewer

The Group types of DDD SEP and DDD SEP SODC do not require successful closure from DRS VR, as DRS VR would not generally consider Group employment as criteria for a successful VR outcome.

All DDD SEP Group and DDD SEP SODC Group service and billing codes have the same authorization maximums:

  • Annual: 1,200 Hours
  • Monthly: 115 Hours
  • Daily: 5 Hours

To allow for the greatest flexibility while still supporting a distinction between the level of SEP support delivered and the codes, Group SEP service and billing codes are requested and authorized together:

  • Waiver: 33G and 36G
  • SODC: 32G and 34G

Providers of Group employment services and supports must bill under the correct service and billing code(s) based on the ratio of support staff to individuals served.

DDD SEP Group and DDD SEP SODC Group services must support a successful transition to individualized CIE and/or self-employment, or to supplement such individualized CIE and/or self-employment when it is only part-time.

All employment environments associated with any DDD SEP or DDD SEP SODC service must be integrated, allowing the employed individual receiving services ample opportunity to engage in routine interactions with customers, co-workers and other individuals to the same degree as other individuals or employees who are not Waiver recipients or SODC residents.

Hours associated with DDD SEP and DDD SEP SODC are counted with other Day Services and Habilitation hours (such as Waiver funded Community Day Services and SODC Developmental Training), meaning the combination of all hours cannot exceed the authorized maximum totals.

Additional information on each Service and Billing Code, including the current hourly rates, can be found on the appropriate DDD Rate Table.

Request Procedure

All requests, New/Initial and Revalidation, for DDD SEP and DDD SEP SODC must include:

New/Initial requests for DDD SEP Individual (36U) and DDD SEP SODC Individual (34U) must include the full DHS DRS Closure Form, IL 488-0717W, indicating successful closure from DRS VR within 90 days of request.

New/Initial Request Process Flow

DDD SEP (Individual and Group) - Waiver Funded Requests (36U, 33G and 36G)

  • DDD SEP Provider agency completes the ADPR and SEQ.
  • If the request is for Individual services and supports, the DDD SEP Provider agency obtains a copy of the DRS VR Closure.
  • The ADPR, SEQ, and DRS VR Closure (as applicable) are sent to the applicable ISC.
  • ISC reviews and, if in agreement with the request, signs, dates and marks concurrence on the APDR.
  • ISC uploads all documents to Birdseye, noting the request as DDD SEP.

DDD SEP SODC (Individual and Group) Requests (34U, 32G, and 34G)

  • DDD SEP SODC Provider agency completes the ADPR and SEQ.
  • If the request is for Individual services and supports, the DDD SEP SODC Provider agency obtains a copy of the DRS VR Closure.
  • The ADPR, SEQ, and DRS VR Closure (as applicable) are sent via encrypted email, or other secure option, to both the DDD Supported Employment Administrator and the appropriate SODC Case Manager(s).

DDD SEP Individual and DDD SEP SODC Individual service and billing codes are effective the day after the DRS VR case closure as indicated on DHS DRS Closure Form, IL 488-0717W.

DDD SEP Group and DDD SEP SODC Group service and billing codes are effective based on the date of submission to DDD.

Revalidation Request Process Flow

Revalidation of all DDD SEP and DDD SEP SODC authorizations occur annually, within a timeframe specified and communicated by DDD.

DDD SEP (Individual and Group) - Waiver Funded Requests (36U, 33G and 36G)

  • DDD SEP Provider agency completes the ADPR and SEQ.
  • ADPR and SEQ are sent to the applicable ISC.
  • ISC reviews and, if in agreement with the request, signs, dates and marks concurrence on the APDR.
  • ISC uploads all documents to Birdseye, noting the request as DDD SEP.

DDD SEP SODC (Individual and Group) Requests (34U, 32G, and 34G)

  • DDD SEP SODC Provider agency completes the ADPR and SEQ.
  • ADPR, SEQ are sent via encrypted email, or other secure option, to both the DDD Supported Employment Administrator and the appropriate SODC Case Manager(s).

All DDD SEP and or DDD SEP SODC authorizations which are not Revalidated will be deactivated in accordance with the timeline of Revalidation. If deactivation of service and billing codes occurs, as long as eligibility is maintained, New/Initial requests may be submitted if the need for DDD SEP or DDD SEP SODC services and supports arise.

Request Outcomes

Upon receipt of requests for DDD SEP and DDD SEP SODC, DDD will:

  • review and log the documentation to verify eligibility and determine authorization of both New/Initial and Revalidation requests; and
  • as applicable, work with staff from the DDD SEP provider, DDD Regions, ISC agency and or SODC to address any processing concern; and
  • communicate with the appropriate DDD Rates team member(s) the outcome of the request(s); and
  • make necessary updates to state systems which reflect funding authorization.

Documentation Requirements

The SEP Provider agency employment support staff shall complete and maintain records of the duration, nature and case specifics of employment supports for all units of DDD SEP and DDD SEP SODC, both Individual and Group, which are billed.

Daily records and/or progress/case notes of all individuals served in DDD SEP and DDD SEP SODC shall include:

  • date of supports; and
  • location(s) of supports; and
  • start and end time of supports; and
  • name of provider agency support staff; and
  • description of the activities and nature of support provided (progress notes) which align with outcomes identified in the Personal Plan and Implementation Strategy for Waiver funded individuals and with the Individual Service Plan for SODC residents; and
  • staff signature and date (digital signature is acceptable).

Daily records shall be retained for a minimum of 5 years.

Permanent records of all individuals served in DDD SEP and DDD SEP SODC shall include:

  • name of individual served; and
  • job title of individual served; and
  • hourly wage (or annual salary) of individual served; and
  • name and address of employer; and
  • name of direct employer supervisor; and
  • start and, if applicable, end dates of employment; and
  • employer benefits; and
  • documentation of services funded by DRS VR.


Billing shall not exceed the state maximums (daily, monthly and annual) as described in the waiver, or in this Information Bulletin, for any combination of Day Services or Developmental Training. This includes:

  • Waiver Services: 31U, 31C, 31V, 35U and 37U.
  • SODC Developmental Training: 38U and 38C.

If multiple supports that utilize the daily, monthly, and annual award combination are used, there must be:

  • For Waiver Services: Implementation Strategies which define the hours for each type of service. This ensures the maximum award is divided as desired by the individual. The ISC is responsible for ensuring all services are reflected and itemized appropriately. In cases where no ISC is assigned, the provider agency must reflect the number of hours and types of services in the Support Plan.
  • For SODC Services: Documentation within the Individual Service Plan or accompanying provider planning documentation defining the number of hours and types of supports dedicated to each service and billing code.

Service payments (billing) for DDD SEP and DDD SEP SODC are made only for the adaptations, supervision and training required by individuals receiving services, as a result of their disabilities, to sustain CIE. Adaptations, supervision and training provided through DDD SEP and DDD SEP SODC may include non-person facing portions of time which support continued successful employment. However, a service directly benefiting the individual's sustained employment must be provided in order to bill for DDD SEP.

DDD SEP and DDD SEP SODC service and billing time must be rounded to the nearest 15 minutes.

Billing shall not be submitted for activities such as:

  • employment that does not meet the standard of CIE; or
  • general soft skill employment curriculum delivery; or
  • non-paid, pre-vocational experiences (e.g. volunteerism or informational business tours); or
  • supervisory activities rendered as a normal part of the business setting; or
  • transportation time, unless the individual's Personal Plan (Waiver) or Individual Support Plan (SODC) indicates a need for transportation training and the transportation training is being provided; or
  • "stand-by" time when employment support staff is not actively supporting the individual(s) receiving supports in CIE maintenance; or
  • time between arrival and the start of active CIE supports


The specific DDD SEP service and billing code(s), applicable statewide rate and hours per month which can be billed must be included in the Service Agreement prior to billing DDD SEP for any individual in Adult Home-Based Services (HBS).

At no time should any other Community Day Services (CDS) or Developmental Training (DT) service and billing code be used as a mechanism to support CIE.

Activities conducted under Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards act, commonly referred to as "Subminimum Wage Activity" or "Sheltered Work" are not billable under DDD SEP or DDD SEP SODC as they do not align with CIE.

CIE is work performed on a full-time or part-time basis for which an individual is:

  • paid at or above minimum wage; and
  • not paid less than what other employees without disabilities are paid for the same or similar work; and
  • eligible for the level of benefits provided to other employees without disabilities; and
  • provided opportunities for advancement similar to employees without disabilities who have similar positions; and
  • at a location where the employee interacts with other employees without disabilities, as well as regular interaction with persons without disabilities who are not paid care givers or service providers.

Self-employment or CIE at a location at which there are typically no other employees working, besides the individual or group, is acceptable as long as the self-employment meets the threshold of CIE.

Employment Collaboration

DDD works in collaboration with the Division of Rehabilitation Services Vocational Rehabilitation (DRS VR) program to provide an array of services and supports for individuals with I/DD to sustain Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE).

DDD and DRS VR operate in concert with one another through a cooperative agreement, the DDD/DRS Memorandum of Understanding (see below).

DRS VR is the first payor of CIE services for individuals with disabilities in Illinois and acts as the first point of referral for services and supports necessary to obtain CIE.

DRS VR is a time limited service, providing short term, intensive, supports for individuals with disabilities, including individuals with I/DD, to explore and obtain individualized CIE.

Referrals for DRS VR can be made via an online portal: Visit the DRS referral page.

DRS VR referrals are processed by the DRS office in closest proximity to the home address of the individual for whom supports are requested and, barring exceptional or unforeseen circumstances, an eligibility determination must be made within 60 days. See DRS VR Referral Processing Guidelines

DDD / DRS Memorandum of Understanding

An initial Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the DDD and the DRS was enacted in September of 2020. The DDD/DRS MOU was amended in December 2023 and continues to fulfill the requirements of reciprocal referral and cooperative agreement within the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) as referenced below:

Key components of the DDD/DRS MOU:

  • Scope of CIE services available to eligible individuals with I/DD
  • Eligibility for, and process to request: DDD SEP, DDD SEP SODC and DRS Vocational Rehabilitation
  • I/DD employment partners and coordinated planning

The DDD/DRS MOU outlines and clarifies the continued collaborative relationship between the DDD and the DRS in serving Individuals with I/DD to ensure the accessibility to, and provision of, high quality employment services and supports.

The current DDD/DRS MOU can be accessed here:

Adult Employment Services: Memorandum of Understanding Between the Division of Rehabilitation Services and the Division of Developmental Disabilities (PDF)

The information contained herein should not be considered a substitute for the appropriate official statutes, rules, regulations, or the advice of legal counsel.

Effective Date:

This Information Bulletin is effective February 21, 2024