WAG 11-02-06-a
At intake or on a request for a SWAP to Cash, anticipate nonexempt income and total needs when:
- determining initial eligibility,
- budgeting income during the Initial Prorated Entitlement (IPE) period, and
- budgeting income for the first regular roll month.
See PM 11-02-07-c for special budgeting instructions for contractual employees.
Initial Eligibility
- When determining initial eligibility use income expected to be received during the 30-day period, beginning with and including the date of application.
Initial Prorated Entitlement (IPE)
For all clients except sheltered care clients, the IPE period begins with the 30th day following the date of application or SWAP request.
For sheltered care clients, the IPE period begins with the date of application or SWAP request or the date of entry into the sheltered care home, whichever is later.
NOTE: If the client enters the sheltered care home after the 30th day following the date of application or SWAP request, the IPE period begins with the 30th day following the date of application.
First Regular Roll Month
Determine the first regular roll month's benefit using the income expected to be received. If income is received weekly or bi-weekly,
convert it to a monthly amount, see PM 11-02-04-a.
Continue to budget prospectively for the 2nd regular roll month forward.