CESSA - Region 1 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 11/15/2023

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 1 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes- Wednesday, November 15, 2023 - 2:00 PM

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 12/20/2023

  1. Open Meetings Act
    • These meetings will be subject to Open Meetings Act.
    • A copy of the agendas and meeting minutes will be posted to the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Mental Health Open Meetings Page.
  2. Call to Order/Approval of Minutes
    • Meeting called to order at 8:03 am by Dr. Shareef.
    • Previous Meeting minutes were approved for corrected May minutes and draft minutes for June 13th and July 12th .
  3. Members Present:
    • Via web-based Teams: Dr. Muhammad M. Shareef, Stacie Kemp, Jason Holcomb, DeAnna Cada, Eric Brown, Danielle Angileri, Jonathon Larson, Joan Lodge, Yemilei Schroeder, Elizabeth Russell.
    • Absent- Christopher Scrol, Brandon Lieber, Dave Lohse, Jason Leverton, Joshua Lewis, Colette Mickelsen, Brenda Hampton
  4. DMH Updates
    • Brenda Hampton was absent from the meeting. There were no DMH updates discussed.
  5. Recommendations for RAC Leadership to consider:
    • Stacie Kemp discussed:
      • The State Advisory Committee met to discuss wanting to recalibrate on some tangible tasks the SACS can take moving forward.
      • SAC goal: Deflect as many 911 calls to 988/Program 590 as possible.
      • How to apply level 1 of Risk Matrix to 176 PSAP's across 11 regions.
      • Assess readiness of each "community" to deflect Level 1 calls made to 911 to 988.
      • What a plan would look like to operationalize this goal in "ready" communities and what would be the corresponding changes in the protocols?
      • Each RAC is charged with the following below:
        • Identify and select two-four PSAP's (those with Power phone as a vendor and the subset of Power phone vendors that have Total Response Systems).
        • If applicable include one PSAP that has an independently developed protocol system
        • Work with the selected PSAP administrators/managers on suggested changes to their protocols that fall within the IRLM Level 1 crises- deflections from 911-988.
      • Identify support needs to accomplish the work, including resource needs.
      • Identify with PSAP's administration additional steps and necessary people to shepherd approval for these changes.
      • Identify a plan for execution- goal of fully executed by June 30th, 2024.
  6. Next Steps for Execution:
    • Stacie Discussed:
      • Communication Plan:
        • Monthly meetings
        • Project implementation
        • Prepare formal communications on the changes.
        • Develop feedback loop for PSAP telecommunicators.
      • Resource and Funding needs:
        • Cost associated with re-printing hard copy (back up) EMD protocol flip charts with newly approved protocols.
        • Determine potential funding needs for PSAPS.
      • Data Collection and Reporting:
        • Assess data collection abilities entities including PSAPS, 988 call centers, and 590 providers.
        • Develop standardized data collection.
        • Utilize data to assess performance, measure progress, provide for ongoing communication and identify opportunities for improvement.
      • Selection of PSAPs:
        • Interview and recruit eligible PSAPS to participate in project to deflect Level 1 Risk Matrix call from 911 to 988.
        • Interviews with law enforcement, EMS, 590 providers to access "community readiness".
        • Identify key stakeholders and administrators who will champion these PSAP protocols and other progress changes.
      • Protocol Changes:
        • Work with PSAP administrators/managers on suggested changes
        • Draft recommended changes
        • Review and collaborate with 9-1-1 on changes.
        • Identify resources and support required for each involved entity.
      • Protocol Approvals:
        • Identify steps and necessary people to shepherd approval for changes.
        • Establish MOUs
        • Approval for the EMD Protocol Changes lies with EMS MD.
      • Project Training:
        • Provide training to 988 call centers.
        • Mandatory in-service continuing education for all licensed telecommunicators.
        • Educate and review IRLM Level 1 crisis and associated changes.
      • Post Project Review:
        • Check in with PSAPs on changes.
        • Work with and encourage centers to build 988 and 590 specific calls into their regular Quality Assurance review process.
  7. Committee discusses what the project plan will look like and who will be volunteering.
    • Heather Butler discussed.
      • Two PSAPs in Ogle County are the only ones that have total response integrated.
      • Dekalb is currently working on it.
        • Should be integrated and training done in January 2024
      • Boone, Stephenson, and Jo Daviess have it but still use flip cards.
      • Winnebago and Whiteside Counties both have priority.
    • Committee discussed project plan and history of Powerphone.
      • Brittany Carls discussed concerns with Sinnissippi having so many counties and the possibility of the response taking a bit longer if needed.
      • Stacie Kemp discussed setting in expectations if it is a level one, what a reasonable response time would be.
      • Heather Butler suggested members to view the recording posted for Mondays SAC meeting and the clarification of the 90-minute response time.
    • Heather Butler to talk with Boone and Jo Daviess, Brittany Carls for Ogle County, Joan Lodge volunteered, Stacie Kemp.
    • Stacie Kemp discussed targets for the project plan.
      • Identifying the steps for approval in February
      • February and March obtaining approval.
      • May for training
      • Fully implemented by June
  8. Questions from Committee:
    • None

9.  Next Meeting: Wednesday 12/20/2023 at 8:00am. Subsequent meetings will be held at 8:00am on the third Wednesday of each month at 8:00am through June 2024.

10. Public Comments: None

11. Dismissal: Meeting was adjourned at 8:50am.