CESSA - Region 9 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 06/26/2023

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 9 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes -June 26, 2023 - 2:00 PM via WebEx

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 12/18/2023

*Please note that minutes are not complete due to technical issues

  • Things missing, that need to be clarified.
    • Ie: school shootings-988 should be the ones called. McHenry County used to have a mental health staging area that was part of a response of this type.
  • Want to stick with review of matrix as we are, then suggest next step planning. Each region/community probably has their response plan. Need to figure out how the RAC can best

Risk Matrix:

  • Good for small group, some discussion with dispatch group that Dr. Jordan works with. Getting everyone's input is the best way to customize something ourselves.
  • How do we identify calls and how to recognize/track call throughout process.
  • How 988 will function?
    • these two are things that might come directly from the state.
  • Recommendations on what first responders should do when they are in a situation that should be 988/590 situation?
    • disengagement/referral strategy