IMHPAC: Child & Adolescent Subcommittee Minutes 10/12/2023

IMHPAC Child & Adolescent Subcommittee Approved Minutes - 10/12/23

Minutes Approved on 12/14/23

Members- Chris O'Hara, Shirley Davis, Mike Davis, Amy Starin, Lisa Betz

  1. Attendance, call to order-Called to order 12:34p
  2. Review and approval of minutes - Shirley motioned, and Chris seconded, unanimous approval.
  3. Overview of committee goals, mission & time frames Raise up children's issues and advise DMH and IMHPAC committee.
  4. Updates from Outside Meetings related to Children's Mental Health, updates from other IMHPAC committee meetings. Discussed the information presented by DMH at the last full IMHPAC meeting on how the DMH budget is distributed and that 85-90% at least appears to go for adult service programs. Even the First Episode Psychosis program, which serves ages 14 to 40 y/o has an average participant age of mid 20's.
  5. New Business- The committee brainstormed areas where DMH funding could be used to strengthen the children's mental health system. The committee considered preventive services for children/youth of any age, parenting interventions and training for providers in mental health services for children ages 2-5. The children's mental health workforce continues to need development. Lisa noted that DMH continues to provide mental health agencies with access to the PracticeWise resource but that it had not communicated or provided training for mental health agencies in several years. These recommendations will be reviewed with the full IMHPAC committee during it's next meeting.
  6. Old Business/Updates- None
  7. Review of next steps-n/a
  8. Public comments-None
  9. The committee meets virtually the second Thursday of even months from 12:30-1:30p Next meeting 12/14/23.

Meeting adjourned 1:26p (Shirley motioned, Mike, unanimous approval)