PM 09-03-01-g.
Eligibility for UI is based on the unemployed worker's earnings during a 12-month "base period". To be entitled to UI, a person must be:
The wage verification file inquiry (AWVS) shows the actual dollar amount of wages reported to the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) by quarter from each employer.
To access information from past quarters, enter the 1-position quarter and the 4-position year on the Potential Eligibility for Unemployment Insurance screen.
NOTE: Not all wages show up on the AWVS, such as wages paid in cash, or wages from certain Federal agencies such as the U.S. Postal Service.
Other wages that do not show up on AWVS are those for persons who live in Illinois, but who work in another state.
Missouri wages can be found on the Key Information Delivery System (KIDS).
A client is potentially eligible to receive UI if they:
Example: Mrs. J has 4 children ages 10, 12, 13, and 16. She has been employed for over 2 years and has had her earnings budgeted. On 09/10/01 Mrs. J calls her worker and says she has been laid off.
The worker runs an AWVS clearance on Mrs. J's SSN. The worker then calls up the optional "Potential Eligibility for Unemployment Insurance (UI)" screen on ACM and enters 09/01 under "Month Claim to be Filed" on the screen.
The system identifies the months of the base period as 07/00 through 06/01 and identifies the 4 quarters of the base period as 3/00, 4/00, 1/01, and 2/01. The AWVS clearance shows for each of the 4 quarters. The caseworker enters the actual dollar amount under each quarter field.
The system determines that Mrs. J is potentially eligible for UI, since she earned at least $1,600 during the base period and at least $440 outside the highest earnings quarter. The system returns the message "Participant is potentially eligible for UI."
Since Mrs. J is potentially eligible for UI and not exempt from work and training activities, she must apply for UI as a condition of her ongoing eligibility for TANF.
NOTE: The UI office provides the client with an ID card, ISES-488. If an application for UI benefits has been filed, the notation of new, reopened, or extended claim may be entered on ISES-488.
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