PM 09-02-03-a: TANF and FHP Cases

WAG 09-02-03-a

If a responsible relative lives with a client, determine if the responsible relative is required to be in the assistance unit. If the relative is not required to be in the unit, determine if they are able to provide support. If the responsible relative receives TANF or AABD Cash benefits, they are unable to provide support.

Use all nonexempt income of the responsible relative when deciding if the relative is able to provide support. Do not use the responsible relative's assets.

TANF Cases

In TANF cases, spouses are legally responsible for spouses and civil union partners are legally responsible for each other.

If the parent of a dependent child in the case is required to be in the unit (i.e., they are not exempt from filing unit requirements), determine the ability of their excluded spouse/civil union partner in the home to support the entire TANF unit (see PM 10-04-03).

When the excluded spouse/civil union partner has only earned income, it may be financially beneficial for the client to request that their spouse/civil union partner be added to the TANF unit. This is because of the 3/4 earned income deduction which applies only to those individuals in the TANF case. When the spouse/civil union partner has unearned income, it may not be financially beneficial to include the person. Whenever the spouse/civil union partner has income, discuss with the client the option of including the person in the TANF unit.

When the person requesting benefits is not the parent of a dependent child in the case, determine the ability of the spouse/civil union partner in the home to support the husband/wife/partner. If the person not requesting benefits has enough income to support the husband/wife/partner, do not include the requesting person in the case.

When the child under 18 years of age is a minor caretaker relative and lives with the parent(s), determine parent liability for TANF. Budget the liability against the correct Payment Level for the unit. See PM 10-04-04 for determining parent liability.

Family Health Plans

new textUse MAGI budgeting policy to determine whether to count the income of a responsible relative. For information about whose income to count in an EDG for FHPs see PM 15-06-01-g.