CESSA Protocols and Standards Subcommittee Meeting - Approved Minutes 10/19/2023

CESSA Protocols & Standards Subcommittee Meeting October 19, 2023, 2:30 - 4:00 pm via Zoom

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 11/16/2023

Call to Order/Roll Call

  • Meeting called to order by Cindy at 2:33pm (via Zoom)
  • Approval of 10/5 meeting minutes: Motion to approve minutes by Christina Smith, seconded by Zachary Gittrich
  • Members Present: Zachary Gittrich (Proxy for Candace Coleman), Rachael Ahart (abstain), Cindy Barbera-Brelle, Christina Smith (Proxy for Lee Ann Reinert), Brent Reynolds, Bobby Van Bebber (Proxy for Ashley Thoele), Shelley Dallas

State Updates: (Christina, Lorrie)

  • DMH is in the process of submitting an updated budget for the annual SAMHSA grant
  • 988 Workgroup continues to have robust participation by their members. Next meeting November 9th, focus on sustainability.
  • In person retreat for SAC and RAC was this week. Great participation.
    • Outcome includes follow ups regarding various activities related to the Crisis Continuum and sharing information / involvement information / cross communication
    • Some discussion regarding proposed legislative changes in SAC. P&S will look at these as well
    • The RACs are now charged with implementing 2 - 4 pilots in their region working on Level 1 of the Interim Risk Level Matrix
  • Communication identified as a place to expand our efforts.

Power Phone Updates: (Cindy)

  • 80 protocols. 15 - 20 of which are related to mental health and can match up to the Risk Matrix
  • Next step: call scheduled for November 8 to walk through the 20 or so protocols we have identified and then talk about those next steps.
    • Then reach out to APCO
    • Then Priority Dispatch

Zachary Gittrich: It's my understanding that Candace has submitted recommendation on improving the Risk Matrix. At the next meeting can it be placed on the agenda so members of the subcommittee can discuss how to make the Risk Matrix clearer and sort out confusion. Because there has been so much interest in continuing to approve the matrix and clarify questions. Can we have the subcommittee review what the CESSA coalition would like to see so we all can work out what we like and don't like?

  • Cindy: This is my first time seeing this, so I will have to talk with some others about getting it on the agenda.

Next Meeting: November 2, 2023 2:30 - 4:00

Public Comment:

No hands raised.


Meeting adjourned by Cindy Barbera-Brelle at 2:54. No opposition.