WAG 02-04-11
Abandoned Newborn Infant Requirements
In accordance with the Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act, abandoned infants are defined as being 30 days old or less, based on the reasonable belief of a licensed physician.
Under this act, abandoned newborn infants were born outside of the hospital and later relinquished to a hospital, police station, fire station or emergency medical facility. Once an abandoned newborn has been relinquished to one of these establishments, personnel must arrange transportation for the newborn to the nearest hospital.
Medical Application for Abandoned Newborns
Hospitals providing medical care to abandoned newborn infants must complete and submit a paper application on the behalf of the abandoned newborn infant to Healthcare and Family Services at the email address HFS.ACA@illinois.gov. The email subject line must state "Abandoned Newborn Application." Applications shall be processed by HFS, and the infants will be deemed eligible with a 12-month continuous eligibility period.
Note: After the initial eligibility period, infants who received medical coverage under the Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act will not automatically receive a new certification period at redetermination. A new application must be submitted by the caring agency or adult.