CESSA - Region 1 Committee Meeting Approved Minutes 06/13/2023

Community Emergency Services and Support Act (CESSA) Region 1 Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes- Tuesday, June 13, 2023 - 2:00 PM

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 11/15/2023

  1. Open Meetings Act
    • These meetings will be subject to Open Meetings Act.
    • A copy of the agendas and meeting minutes will be posted to the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Mental Health Open Meetings Page.
  2. Call to Order/Approval of Minutes
    • Meeting called to order at 2:03 pm by Patrick Phelan.
    • Previous Meeting minutes approved by motion of Christopher Scroll, seconded by Heather Butler. Approved unanimously. Joan Lodge abstained; she was not present at last month's meeting.
  3. Members Present:
    • Via web-based Teams: Patrick Phelan, Deanna Cada, Christopher Scroll, Brenda Hampton, Heather Butler, Jason Leverton, Joan Lodge, Jason Holcomb, Matthew Smetana, Dr. Muhammad Shareef.
    • Absent-, Tessa Lohse, Brandon Lieber, David Lohse, Danielle Angileri, Joshua Lewis, Colette Mickelson, Jennifer Fey, Eric Brown, John Girone.
  4. DMH Updates
    • Brenda Hampton discussed:
      • Legislation has extended the deadline for another year.
      • We have another year to work on the CESSA Implementation mindfully, logically, consistently, making sure there is coordination, and done correctly. This ensures enough time to complete for the state and regional levels.
      • Another concern was the prohibition where 590 providers could no longer sign petitions. We now have time to work that out, both with the sponsors of the bill as well as the advocates. There is now time to talk through and discuss what is in the best interest for the people that we serve in the community.
      • We will be working on a 2024 Sprint to July. The committee will continue to work on the same deliverables that have been shown in the past.
      • There will be a planning process also known as a visioning process that both the SAC level and RAC level will utilize. Resetting will ensure an opportunity to make sure everything is done right.
      • The RAC Co-chairs were asked to get an idea from their committee members on their commitment to moving forward for the next thirteen months.
      • There are links on a PowerPoint sent out that members should read. The link gives details on the work and demands that are expected in the next thirteen months.
      • There has been word that future meetings do not need to be held in person. RAC meetings can still be held in public. This is to help make it easier for everyone to still attend future meetings.
      • June and July will be used for constructive visioning.
      • Some of the RAC's wanted to modify the Interim Risk Matrix. The work tabs for the RACs are only on level two and three. The Matrix is not to be modified. Members need to be mindful to not change from a level four Matrix to a level three Matrix.
      • Patrick let the committee know some feedback from the PSAPs. The PSAPs want to see before launching into anything where things went with the EMD vendors and how the process looks. Patrick sat in on a call with the Statewide Advisory Committee earlier in the week. It sounds like there is on-going work with three major vendors and that they are getting closer to a resolution. Patrick asked Brenda if she had an idea of how the timelines look. Brenda replied that she does not have an idea at this time.
  1. Questions and Answers:
    • Heather Butler commented that she sat in on the same call that Patrick did with the Statewide Advisory Committee. There was a lot of talk on funding issues. Funding is going to be a serious matter. Heather has talked with most of the PSAPs within our region. Most of them use Power Phone. Power Phone will only be updating these protocols through the integrated version with CAD. Very few of the PSAPs within our region that use Power Phone have that integration. Others have expressed that they just don't have the funding to pay for the required upgrades. So, they are at a standstill until the State decides if they are going to do a grant or provide some kind of funding to push this forward.
    • Patrick commented that he agrees that it will be very costly for the PSAPs. Patrick is hopeful that after the Statewide Advisory Council meets for a strategic discussion that some questions will be answered regarding new tasks.
    • Joan Lodge asked for clarification on PSAPs that have similar technology, are they able to pilot a process of this and provide some additional guidance or testing of it.
    • Heather commented that what we are waiting for is the protocol providers to roll it out. Once the protocols are created, those who do have them will be integrated. If the other agencies do not have the funding, then they will not get those updated protocols. As of now the Power Phone side of it is a separate application that dispatchers pull up alongside of their CAD. It walks them through questions that are protocols approved by an EMS coordinator to ask for which type of scenario or situation or chief complaint as it is called. We are waiting on that mental health protocol card set. It goes into their CAD making it easier for the questions and populates it so that it can be pushed out to First Responders.
    • Patrick asked the committee if they are fully committed to moving forward with the thirteen-month extension.
    • Dr Muhammad Shareef replied that he will be in it for the next year.
    • Christopher Scroll commented that he echoes Dr. Muhammad Shareef's sentiments. He is in for the next year.
    • Patrick asked if anyone is feeling the opposite and not wanting to commit to the next thirteen months to please let the committee know.
    • Patrick discussed the next steps with the Risk Level Matrix review.
    • Heather replied to Patrick and said that she thinks it is a good idea to move forward and see how it fits. Coming up with a plan seems realistic, hopefully our protocol providers can help us further as they iron out some things. Heather will send Patrick out an invitation to a meeting that will have most of the PSAP representatives there.

6. Next Meeting: Wednesday 07/12/2023 at 8:00am. Subsequent meetings will be held at 8:00am on August 16, 2023 and September 20, 2023. Updated with the correct day.

7. Public Comments: None

8. Dismissal: Meeting was adjourned at 2:34pm.