WAG 08-04-04-i
Count as nonexempt unearned income any dividends, interest, royalties, trust fund payments, and all other direct money payments from any source that can be thought of as a gain or benefit that is not exempt.
Establishment-Specific Gift Card
An establishment-specific gift card, such as a department store gift card, that can only be used to purchase goods and services at the establishment offering the card is exempt as an asset and exempt as income (see PM 07-04-09).
Credit Card Company Gift Card
A credit card company gift card, such as American Express, MasterCard, or Visa is considered as cash on hand (see PM 07-04-09). If provided regularly and can be reasonably anticipated, consider a credit card company gift card exempt as an asset, but nonexempt as income.
Every Dollar Counts Research Project
Every Dollar Counts (EDC) is a research project being conducted by the University of Chicago Poverty Lab and the Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights. Participants in the Every Dollar Counts Research Project will receive either $50 or $1000 a month. The income is Exempt unearned income for up to 60 months when determining eligibility.
Chicago Resilient Communities Income Pilot
The Chicago Resilient Communities Income Pilot is a pilot program being conducted by the City of Chicago, The Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) and the Inclusive Economic Lab at the University of Chicago. 5,000 low-income households will receive $500 a month for 12 months to provide additional economic stability. The income is Exempt unearned income for up to 12 months when determining eligibility.
Evanston Guaranteed Income Pilot
The Evanston Guaranteed Income is a pilot program being conducted by Northwestern University and the City of Evanston, IL for those residing in the city of Evanston. 150 low-income households will receive $500 a month for 12 months to provide additional economic stability. Monies received from the Evanston Guaranteed Income Pilot are considered as Exempt unearned income for SNAP eligibility.
Cook County Promise Guaranteed Income Pilot
The Cook County Promise Guaranteed Income Pilot is a pilot program being conducted by the Cook County Government and the Bureau of Economic Development. A total of 3,250 low-income households will receive $500 a month for 24 months to provide additional economic stability due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Money received from the Cook County Promise Guaranteed Income Pilot is considered as Exempt unearned income for SNAP eligibility.
Illinois Stability Investment for Family Housing Pilot: Round One and Round Two
The Illinois Stability Investment for Family Housing (SIFH) pilot is a program being conducted by the IDHS in conjunction with the University of Chicago's Inclusive Economy Lab. Households that are chosen to participate will receive a one-time cash payment of at least $500 and up to $10,000. Verification of income is required when determining eligibility. The cash payment received from the SIFH pilot program is considered as Exempt unearned income for SNAP eligibility and determination of the benefit amount.
Affording Survival Guaranteed Income Pilot
The Affording Survival Guaranteed Income Pilot is conducted by The Network in partnership with LIFT- Chicago, WINGS Program Inc., Family Rescue and the Center for Guaranteed Income Research (CGIR) at the University of Pennsylvania. The 60 participants selected for the first cohort will receive $1,000 a month for one year. The income received from the pilot is exempt unearned income when determining Food Assistance eligibility and benefit amount.