DDD Communication - November 6, 2023

DDD Communication - Day Program Rates and Regionalization Update
November 6, 2023

As you are aware, the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) is in the process of implementing the FY24 Guidehouse Rate Study recommendations: (1) $2.50/hour for Director Support Professional (DSP) wages; and (2) fifteen (15) percent regionalization for day programming for Chicago, suburban Cook, and the collar counties (DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will) effective January 1, 2024, or upon the approval of the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

The regionalization for existing day programs includes all day program bill codes except Adult Day Services (35U) which is tied to the Illinois Department on Aging's rate for these services. Day programs which will have regionalized rates include the following day programs and bill codes:

  • 31C - Community Day Services (CDS) Off Site
  • 31U - CDS On Site
  • 31V - CDS Virtual
  • 33G - Supported Employment Program (SEP) Small Group
  • 36G - SEP Large Group
  • 36U - SEP Individual
  • 37U - Enhanced Residential Habilitation (aka At-Home Day)
  • 38C - SODC CDS Off Site
  • 38U - SODC CDS On Site
  • 53D - Additional Staff Supports CDS
  • 53S - Additional Staff Supports SODC CDS

The regionalization will also apply to three (3) new day program bill codes, related to SEP services and supports that will be available to residents of State Operated Developmental Centers (SODC) effective January 1, 2024. More information on the SODC SEP program and bill codes will be offered through a DDD webinar prior to January 1, 2024. The new SODC SEP bill codes are:

  • 32G - SODC SEP Small Group
  • 34G - SODC SEP Large Group
  • 34U - SODC SEP Individual

DDD will be posting anticipated January 1, 2024, rates in the very near future via the DDD Rate Table (current Rate Table). DDD will also be providing information on upcoming changes to Reporting of Community Services (ROCS) billing and day program Site IDs which will be necessary to implement the regionalized day program rates.

As an additional FYI, with the implementation of the regionalized rates across day programs (CDS, SEP), there will be additional changes to the billing processes that impact all CDS and SEP providers. Every CDS and/or SEP provider will need to download an updated version of ROCS when it becomes available. Billing under the new CDS and SEP rates will require providers to complete all necessary ROCS updates. DDD will be communicating these updates and instructions as they become available in the future.

As has been previously communicated, DDD will be providing information related to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) changes and Service Authorizations and how the updated rates will impact both soon.

Thank you for your patience as DDD works to implement these changes.

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