DDD Communication
October 13, 2023
As has been communicated previously, the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) is currently working with rate consultant, Guidehouse, to review the Guidehouse-recommended Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) Rate Calculator. DDD has also engaged the Ligas Rates Oversight Committee, with whom DDD began meeting last week, to review the Rate Calculator for implementation. As DDD, Guidehouse and the Oversight Committee continue their discussions, DDD will communicate updates and information shared with stakeholders.
In addition, earlier this week, DDD announced an extension on the pause of the implementation of the Guidehouse Direct Support Professional (DSP) hours change through the end of the calendar year (December 31, 2023).
Effective October 1, 2023, DDD has increased the rates for Child Group Home (CGH) providers by 7.5%. DDD previously communicated this change would not require a Waiver Amendment to the Children's Residential Waiver. DDD will be providing guidance on the implementation of the rate increases soon.
The Public Comment period for the Adults with Developmental Disabilities Waiver amendment closed on Friday, October 6, 2023. Responses were provided directly to all commenters. The Waiver amendment was submitted to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, with a proposed effective date of January 1, 2024.
Save the Date: HCBS Settings Quarterly Office Hours
Date: November 7, 2023
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Meeting Link: WEBEX LINK
Call-in Information: +1-312-535-8110,,26328521419## United States Toll
Purpose: Settings Rule updates and to respond to questions and/or concerns
HCBS Settings - Privacy
The HCBS Settings Rule requires that people who live in provider-controlled sites have a similar experience as people living in their own homes. Since these residences are considered private homes, CILA addresses are confidential. Providers should not post CILA addresses on their websites or publications. Please email DHS.HCBS@illinois.gov with questions.
HCBS Settings Website and Information Bulletins
Check out the updated HCBS Settings 101 webpage (IDHS: HCBS Settings Rule 101 (state.il.us) including listings for new DDD Information Bulletins under Resources. DDD will continue to roll out additional Information Bulletins to cover all eleven (11) categories of the HCBS Settings Rule.
DDD posted several DRAFT and FINAL Information Bulletins this week. DDD DRAFT Information Bulletins and DDD FINAL Information Bulletins. Please see below for the list of updated/new Information Bulletins with links.
DRAFT Information Bulletins
DRAFT - HCBS Settings Rule: Right to Freedom from Coercion
DRAFT - HCBS Settings Rule: Right to Choose a Roommate in Waiver-Funded Settings
DRAFT - HCBS Settings Rule: Right to Dignity and Respect
FINAL Information Bulletins
FINAL - IDHS: HCBS Settings Rule: Final Residency Agreement
FINAL - IDHS: Remote Support
FINAL - HCBS Settings Rule: Right to Privacy
FINAL - HCBS Settings Rule: Right to Have Visitors of Their Choosing at Any Time in Waiver-Funded Settings
FINAL - HCBS Settings Rule: Access to Food at Any Time in Waiver-Funded Settings
FINAL - IDHS: Lockable Doors and Privacy in Provider Owned or Controlled Settings
FINAL - IDHS: COVID-19 Guidance for Community Supported Residential Settings
FINAL - UPDATED - V.4 - ISC Remote Monitoring Activities (replaces DD.20.019, DD.21.010 and DD.22.007)
FINAL - UPDATED - V.5 - COVID-19 Home based Support (HBS), Bogard Specialized Services & Fee-For-Service Billing, Agency and Consumer Guidance (replaces DD.22.008, DD.21.008, DD.20.024, DD.20.020 and DD.20.009)
The information contained herein should not be considered a substitute for the appropriate official statutes, rules, regulations, or the advice of legal counsel.
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