CESSA Protocols and Standards Subcommittee Meeting - Approved Minutes 08/24/2023

CESSA Protocols and Standards Subcommittee Meeting August 24, 2023, 2:30 - 4:00 pm via Zoom

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 09/21/2023

Call to Order/Roll Call

  • Meeting called to order by Cindy at 2:31m (via Zoom)
  • Approval of 5/4 and 6/15 meeting minutes:
  • Members Present: Blana Campos (present and approved), Brent Reynolds (present and abstain), Candace Coleman (present and abstain), Cindy Barbera-Brelle (present and approved), Lee Ann Reinert (present and approved), Drew Hansen (present and approved), Richard Manthy (present and approved), Bobby (present and approved), Shelley Dallas (present and approved)

State Updates (Lee Ann)

  • The State has started a 988 workgroup, there has been two meeting dates so far. There is significant overlap between 988 and CESSA work. The drafters of the legislation tried to draw lines between work, but 988 is very integral to CESSA. There will be some overlap between the two.
    • We have been discussing potential ways to address the overlap.
      • Ideas: Schedule a combined meeting of CESSA and the 988 workgroup. Given both are public bodies, the best way is to schedule it at a time that's separate from either regular committee meeting, with sufficient notice that members or the public can participate if they choose.
  • Crisis Hub Staff traveled to Virginia and Arizona to observe systems in other states are doing what were doing.
  • Lorrie: We are hosting an in-person October SAC/RAC meeting to do visioning with an external consultant. In the interim, SAC members will be asked to participate in 30-minute interviews. Rac co-chairs will be doing focus groups.

Updates on Landscape Analysis (Mary Smith)

  • A few RACs are still missing their Landscape Analysis Surveys and Interim Risk Level Recommendations
  • Candace: Asked if IRLM will be revisited in the future?
    • Lorrie: Yes, this is interim and can be changed.

Next Steps/Challenges with Protocols (Lorrie)

  • There are many complexities of what must happen to make protocol changes.
  • There are 3 major protocol vendors - Priority Dispatch, Power Phone, and APCO. Some have developed their own protocols (questions asked by 911 telecommunicator).
    • All of their protocols are proprietary and there are different versions of their products and protocols.
    • Fiscal note that hasn't been addressed yet.
    • Planning to have discussions with the vendors to see what it will take to incorporate the IRLM into their questioning.
  • There are multiple CAD vendors with several products with associated costs to update their systems.
  • PSAPs are all at a different degree of "readiness" for the changes we are looking to make. The changes are the easiest to make in the newer "integrated" systems.
  • Next Steps:
    • Power Phone has been identified as the most "flexible" vendor. Convene a small group of SAC members and expert consultants to meet with Power Phone to map out a strategy to begin review of the protocol questions in relation to the IRLM.
    • Once an approach has been agreed to, determine financial resources needed to advance the work.
    • Use 'readiness' checklist with PSAPs, and prioritize PSAPs in term of readiness for change
    • Concurrently, review dispatch recommendations from the LA conducted by the Regions for those PSAPs
    • Convene a group of the "most ready" PSAPs using Power Phone Total Response products to work though the protocol and suggested changes.
    • Poll PSAPs to seek information on projected financial needs to make changes to CAD systems and resume discussions with other Protocol vendors

New Timeline

* We are constantly adjusting things, but we have updated our timeline for protocols and standards. We are continuing working on the landscape analysis and summarize findings.

Next Meeting Dates

  • September 7, 2023
  • September 21, 2023
  • October 5, 2023
  • October 19, 2023
  • November 2, 2023
  • November 16, 2023
  • December 7, 2023
  • December 21, 2023

Public Comment

  • Zach: Asked about additional recommendations to improve other aspects of the IRLM, specifically providing more detail to PSAPs so they know the best way to dispatch these calls.
    • Cindy: Yes, there's no problem including more recommendations.
  • Matt: Discussed lack of information, capacity, and coverage areas for the mobile crisis response teams. Some people are hesitant to start sending calls to 988, unsure of response. There's not much communication between the two systems.
  • Charles: The 590s are out and active, but there isn't an easy route to find and communicate with them when someone is seeking services. Asked if there was a way to distribute some sort of mapping resource so people can find them, we may get more on the ground experience.


  • Cindy asked for a motion to adjourn, and the motion had a consensus by lack of dissent. The meeting adjourned at 3:40.