Illinois Mental Health Planning and Advising Council Meeting-Minutes 07/13/2023

Illinois Mental Health Planning and Advising Council Meeting Minutes

(approved by Members 09/07/2023)

July 13, 2023 - 12:30pm

Co-Chair: Sue Schroeder & Ray Connor


  • Attendees: Amy Starin, Chris O'Hara, Emily LeFew, Isaac Palmer, Jacob Meeks, Jim Wilkerson, Joan Lodge, Lee Ann Reinert, Marianne Bithos, Michael Davis, Michelle Churchey-Mims, Nannette Larson Patty Johnstone, Ray Connor, Ron Melka, Sarah Robinson-Torres, Shane Hassler, Shirley Davis, Sue Schroeder.
  • Call to Order/Introductions: Meeting called to order by 12:39pm by Sue Schroeder
  • Approval of May 4, 2023 Minutes: (All) motion to approve: Amy Starin, Ron Melka seconded approved (all say aye)
  • Division of Mental Health Report: (Lee Ann Reinert, Brock Dunlap, Nanette Larson, Ryan Rollinson, Lisa Betz, Megan Miller-Attang)
    • Lee Ann Reinert: staffing changes; Christina Smith LCPC, policy and legislation in training with Irwin to assist with block grant planning. Legislative action on crisis continuum revision to CESSA to extend deadline to 7/1/24, other changes require us on a quarterly basis submit a report to the General Assembly (GA) with the goal for the report to be available to the public. It validates the amount of work that has been done as it has been significant. Will Gizzarde sponsored legislation on a deep dive into 988 and a work group to review implementation and success of 988. Looking at data and metrics. The workgroup will develop a cost analysis on the true cost of providing crisis continuum of care. Today's meeting will be extended to review the draft of the block grant planning. Brock Dunlap did indicate that he would be providing an overview of the DMH budget.
    • Megan Miller-Attang report for FY 23: Front Door Diversion: 2948 referrals 1176 assessment, 598 offers, 472 offers accepted 359 individual diversions completed.
    • Nanette Larson: no report; updates included with other DMH staff reports.
    • Lisa Betz/Lee Ann Reinert reported on the interagency report IPS, recently attended policy academy working on development on interagency team plan to increase IPS for transition age individuals, employment and supportive education. Continue to work with Dana Weiner with the children's implementation plan. Director Albert also shared an update DMH primary role of implementation work with the new plan is to build and operate a public portal (website) easy to access and be able to search for services. Involves the creation of new positions and expertise in navigating, technology build out and aggressive cadence to get into place as soon as possible.
    • Dr. Sharon Coleman: Update on the Forensic work group, legislation passed to develop a strategic plan to address and improve the Forensic system and inpatient hospital, IGA with UIC to develop strategic plan. IHDD began our work in November 2022, currently on schedule to submit a report in August 2023. How we may develop a bed registry and improve our hiring and retention of staff. Review of policies for individuals who are UST, NGRI-legal status, and how we are engaging the community on resources available.
  • Committee Reports:
    • C&A (Michelle Churchey-Mims) : committee continues to meet monthly to address children's mental health in a larger system that is happening ex: CCBHC's. looking forward to how the block grant planning will address these needs. Amy Starin reported on parents training EBP-Parenting Interventions which is being piloted now. Hosting listening sessions with parents, leadership challenges, barriers and opportunities for using para-professionals in the service industry as "helpers". Chris O'Hara encouraged participation and advised link to meetings is on the DHS website.
    • Development Committee: (Ron Melka) Stressed the importance of recruitment of consumers on the IMHPAC council. The committee is working with NAMI for a recovery specialist to join. We are not currently below the 50% membership requirement of consumer how several individuals/consumer statuses remain in question due to lack of response. Reimbursement process needs to be reviewed and to be an easy process to obtain reimbursement for their time when their organization does not cover their time to participate. A member's survey is pending.
    • Adult Inpatient (Shirley Davis) long discussion on where individuals can go for services and alternative besides hospitals specifically for Alcohol/Substance Abuse, possibly long-term care. It takes 48 months on average to obtain a therapist. Other challenges include insurance coverage. Requesting clarification on whether IMHPAC informs the Governor, or should this committee write a letter to the Governor? Peer run services i.e. Living Room are an alternative to help. Dr. Albert responded and advised that a letter can be sent to the Governor by this committee. Dr. Albert indicated that the Governor's office is aware, SAMHSA, Chief Jones who is appointed by the Governor and meets consistently to review and the significant increase in funding for Living Room programs. Ron Melka added; The gap seems to be for long term therapy needs of these individuals. Put on a waiting list for months/years. Work force shortage seems to be part of the problem. Dr. Albert responded and agreed with the gap and understands it is real and solutions need to be developed and DMH is aware and appreciated the dialogue. Work with HFS is relevant in this area. Lee Ann gave a reminder of DMH to support the function of the sub-committee and be in compliance with Open Meeting Act (OMA) to post consistently meeting dates/times and minutes. Jacob Meeks indicated that he was having challenges finding out when meetings were being held, but the above information was helpful. Shirley indicated that the meetings are listed on the DHS website.
    • Justice Committee Report: Not currently meeting. Scott Block has offered to chair this meeting. Sue to follow up with Scott to begin the process of developing a committee to begin to meet regularly.
  • HFS Report Kristine Herman-no report or update
  • New Business: None
  • Public Comment: None
  • Block Grant Planning meeting part 2
    • Lee Ann Reinert led this part of the meeting/discussion. In April we met to review the first initial draft and posted it on meeting page in compliance with OMA. SAMHSA wants to have additional accountability to demonstrate stakeholder involvement in the development of the plan to meet the MH needs of our State. Brock Dunlap and Erik Bush fiscal operations for DMH shared a power point and overall DMH FY 24 spending plan. FY 24 Total: $886,991,000 (block grant $79,342,000) Chris O'Hara asked a question about ARPA funds and the plan to utilize those funds. Brock clarified that ARPA funds are beyond the current FY and can be spent through 2025. Amy Starin thanked for information and inquired where funds are being allocated for children services. Brock clarified the expectations of the Federal Government on where we are spending $ for children services. We have to spend a certain amount of funding on children. Service line: Medicaid and Community Mental Health. Marijuana tax dollars is not included in DMH budget as it was put into SUPR budget. DMH does have some spending authority to use these funds. For example, Living Room Programs ($10M). Staffing crisis/shortage; student loan repayment, work force education system, CRSS for Success Program to increase funding to address the waiting list for this program for those Universities awarded. Ray Connor requested a regular funding update semiannually for the council, in addition a breakout for children funding. Brock indicated that the FY budget could be shared annually is appropriate. As funds are budgeted, they will not change throughout the year. Erik Bush 10M minimum for first, 5% for admin. Block grant dollars specific to children in the amount of 3.5M for FY 24. Ron Melka inquired about getting an update of budgeted versus actual and the budget for the next FY. Lee Ann responded that cadence for the meetings July is when we know what the budget is going to be, late Fall is when we know what the "actuals" are at the November meeting.
    • Lee Ann Reinert and Irwin Kerzner shared the draft and reviewed the goals/objectives/targets of the plan. We need to ensure we get it right. The plan needs to be submitted by 9/1/23 and we currently do not have the current data to project FY 25. Table 1. The draft plan does include new legislation for CESSA: HB 1364 988 and crisis lifeline workgroup act (Task Force) and the requirement to produce an action plan 1/2024. First episode psychosis DMH is required to dedicate 10% of block grant funds toward this opportunity for individuals in early phases of mental illness.
    • NEW Priority area: Table 1-3 Children's Behavioral Health Transformation-Care Portal Goal of the priority area: Develop a Care Portal that will be a centralized resource for families and other helping professionals seeking services for children with significant and complex mental health needs as described by the Blueprint for Transformation: A Vision for Improved Behavioral Healthcare for Illinois Children.
    • New Table 1-5: Evidence Based Practices-Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Services For Transitional Youth Ages 14-21.
    • NEW initiative Plan Table 1-7 Recovery/Consumer Services which includes WRAP facilitator training.
    • Plan Table 1-10 Governor's Challenge: Suicide Prevention and Reduction for Illinois Service Members, Veterans, and their Families
    • Two new suggested indicators are:
      • Increase in the number of virtual and on-line training events and completions in both FY24 and FY25. 70,000 completed trainings by end of 2025
      • During FY25, conduct in-person training events. Conduct at least 3 in person trainings per year in FY24 and FY24
  • Comments/discussion:
    • Ron Melka inquired on how this plan compares with the previous plan. Ron spoke of EBP and potentially how a Needs Assessment may be helpful. Lee Ann Reinert spoke about integration of primary health and behavioral health (CCBHC) due to the mortality rate of individuals with SMI. Joan Lodge inquired where IL is at with applying to be a CCBHC demonstration grant. Lee Ann responded that HFS is in a learning collaborative to determine if IL is ready to move forward with CCBHC model of care. IL is eligible to apply for CBHC demonstration grant, however not certain that IL is ready. Sue Schroeder discussed the spending on residential services and how the plan matches up with the dollars. Medicaid does not cover residential therefore grant $ must be available to cover this level of care.
    • Marianne Bithos NAMI inquired if DMH targets are being met or just estimated guess. Lee Ann spoke about annual reports and reporting on the metrics in each table/objective. SAMHSA URS tables provide personal level data for those who are being served in the system. Providers are no longer required to provide some of this data as claims data assists with this reporting metric. Comments and dialogue are imperative that DMH receives this to ensure the block grant is reflective of this input. Further comments should be directed to Lee Ann, Irwin Kerzner. Goal to send out the final draft on or before August 1st to members.
  • Public Comment: None
  • Motion to adjourn: Motion to adjourn made by Chris O'Hara and seconded by Ray Connor meeting adjourned at 3:08pm.
  • Next Council meeting: September 7, 2023

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Lodge, IMHPAC Secretary