IMHPAC: Development Subcommittee Approved Minutes: 07/06/2023

Meeting Minutes - July 6, 2023 - 2:00 pm via WebEx

Approved by member on August 31, 2023

  • Attendance: Co-Chairs Ron Melka, and Nanette Larson; Committee members Ray Connor, and Fred Friedman; IMHPAC Co-Chair Sue Schroeder; DMH Staff Lee Ann Reinert, Courtney Aidich, and Melissa Guy.
  • Call to Order/Introductions/Opening Remarks: The meeting was called to order by Ron Melka at 2:05 pm. Our Webex support person from DHS, Courtney Aidich introduced Melissa Guy who will be our new person. We welcomed her and we thank Courtney for her assistance.
  • Approval of Agenda: Ray moved to approve as presented. Nanette seconded. Fred abstained. Motion carried.
  • Approval of the February 23, 2023, minutes. Nanette moved to approve as presented. Ray seconded. Fred abstained. Motion carried.
  • Resignations: Dr. Orson Morrison has submitted his resignation to the Council.
  • Candidates for new and returning membership slate at Fall Meeting: While we still have a less than half of the Council membership being State Employees or Providers, there are three members whose contact information is no longer current, and they have not participated in some time. If they do not continue their membership, IMHPAC may fall below this SAMHSA requirement. There is a great need to recruit new members that are not state employees or providers. Discussion followed regarding the title of those previously called consumers by SAMHSA. Nanette made a motion to use the term of Persons with Lived Expertise (PLE) rather than Consumer or In Recovery. Ray seconded. All Ayes. Motion carried unanimously.
  • Recruitment Information Document and Process: Irwin was updating the recruitment information for us to send out to potential candidates. He will be asked to report on this at our full IMHPAC meeting next week. Fred asked for clarity on the reimbursement process for those members that are PLE. This is a crucial point when recruiting new members with these qualifications. We will need to discuss this at the full meeting.
  • Member Surveys: Irwin was updating the new survey instrument as well. As he could not attend today's meeting, he will be asked to report on this at our full IMHPAC meeting next week
  • Public Comment: None.
  • Adjournment: Ray moved that we adjourn. Fred seconded. All Ayes. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 2:39 pm