CESSA Protocols and Standards Subcommittee Meeting - Approved Minutes 06/15/2023

CESSA Protocols and Standards Subcommittee Meeting June 15, 2023, 2:30 - 4:00 pm via Zoom

Meeting Minutes - Approved by Members 08/24/2023

Call to Order/Roll Call

  • Meeting called to order by Cindy at 2:36m (via Zoom)
  • Minutes were not approved due to lack of quorum.
  • Members Present: Christina Smith (Designee for Lee Ann), Alice Cary, Blanca Campos, Brent Reynolds, Cindy Barbera-Brelle, Drew Hansen, Richard Manthy, Shelley Dallas

State Updates (Dr. Lorrie Jones)

  • Two bills passed! Haven't been signed into law yet but are just awaiting Governer's signature.
  • First bill is related to a cost analysis for crisis care system
  • Deadline for CESSA implementation extended to July 2024
  • Second bill is HB 1364 (Christina)
    • Creates 988 workgroup - responsibility is to review first year of 988, look at other states models and best practices, review infrastructure to promote sustainability, quality review changes, and to consider input from call center personal and advocates
    • Workgroup to develop an action plan with recommendations to be submitted by December
  • Crisis Hub is working on a quarterly legislative report and year-end report summary to be completed by July 1 2023.

Updates on Risk Level Matrix Implementation (Cindy/Lorrie)

  • Focused on removing the term 'florid psychosis'
    • Changed to 'symptoms of mental illness' in the interim risk level matrix IRLM
    • 'Acute symptoms of psychosis'
  • 1 RAC has completed the IRLM Assignment
  • 42 PSAPs have not yet completed Landscape Survey
    • 911 administrator will be working to resolve this issue.
  • We are halfway complete with updating dispatch decisions in PSAPs

Update on Protocol Vendors - Next Steps (Cindy)

  • Once criteria verbiage is finalized, APCO will create dispatch questions based on the IRLM criteria.
    • Completed draft guide cards will be sent to the state contact for editing and all necessary approvals.
    • IL Matrix Guide Card template will cost around $3,750.
  • The mental health protocol to coincide with the IRLM is a work in progress.
  • Challenges:
    • Complicated vendor participation will slow down the implementation process creating lull in work at regional level.
    • Each vendor implementation will be different and may have an associated cost.

Public Comment

* Craig Walski (911 Executive Director Region 7): In the past week, we've had three 911/988 MCRT involvement incidents. One was an overdose that happened at 9am, EMS was called around 6pm-ish even though MCRT was in care of patient during that time. Asked providers to come up with their own protocols for employees when they get on scene for patient care that they can go through that would be similar to their own risk level.


* Cindy asked for a motion to adjourn, and the motion had a consensus by lack of dissent. The meeting adjourned at 3:25pm.