WRAP - Research Evidence

Wellness Recovery Action Plan

An Evidence-Based Practice

In 2010, WRAP® was designated as an evidence-based practice by the United States-based Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Randomized controlled trials of the co-facilitated WRAP® peer group model showed improvements in WRAP® participants compared to controls from baseline to 8-month follow-up, including:

  • Reduced psychiatric symptoms
  • Increased hopefulness
  • Increased quality of life
  • Increased recovery
  • Increased empowerment
  • Increased self-advocacy

The evidence for WRAP's® effectiveness is based on the co-facilitated WRAP® peer group model, which is how WRAP® was designed. In this model, two specially trained and certified peer Co-Facilitators meet with a group of voluntary participants for about 2 hours once a week for 8 to 12 weeks. There's no robust evidence base for any other implementation of WRAP®. That's not to say people can't buy materials and work on WRAP® independently with whatever support they want-they certainly can! But that can't be considered the equivalent of the model that was studied. WRAP® has been studied extensively, with more data available every year. There is a list of research articles on the WRAP® website that is updated regularly.1

WRAP® is billable under Illinois Medicaid Community-Based Mental Health Services, Rule 140.453 (Community Support), group and individual.2 Under IL Medicaid Substance Use Treatment, Rule 2060.407 (Group Treatment), a Certified WRAP® Facilitator qualifies as a "professional with credentials specific to the subject matter of the didactic group,"3 and therefore, can bill for conducting a WRAP group.

  1. https://www.wellnessrecoveryactionplan.com/what-is-wrap/the-way-wrap-works/
  2. https://ilga.gov/commission/jcar/admincode/089/08900140sections.html
  3. https://www.ilga.gov/commission/jcar/admincode/077/07702060sections.html